Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to empower my students to choose the best seating that will improve their focus/learning. Research shows that giving students different seating options helps them stay on task.

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Flexible Seating for Student Success

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Rachel Buonocore 
Students Impacted:
July 17, 2024

0% Funded



Only $250.00 Needed



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My goal is to empower my students to choose the best seating that will improve their focus/learning. Research shows that giving students different seating options helps them stay on task.  



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

While I will have traditional seating in my classroom, I want to be able to give my students the choice of different seating for completing activities/assignments. I would like to have seating that can be utilized on the floor that will support writing/paper-based activities (this would be used for ELA and Math).  


Benefits to my students

Flexible seating gives students the power to set themselves up for success by providing the option to find their most comfortable seating to engage and focus. This will benefit not only the students who are using the flexible seating but also the entire class. Giving my students floor tables and/or floor seats will enable them to be freer in their movements so that they can maintain focus to complete activities/assignments. The comfort and empowerment of flexible seating also helps students be less apt to be disruptive.


Budget Narrative

I would like to provide my students the option of sharing/using 6 table lap desks and 6 floor seats. This will help set my students up for success by giving them a choice of a different work space using flexible seating. 



# Item Cost
1 floor seating, set of 6 $110.00
2 table lap desks, set of 8 $140.00
  Total: $250.00

0% Funded



Only $250.00 Needed



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