Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Waking up and immediately thinking, “ah, I don’t want to go to work” is a horrible feeling. Unfortunately, it’s a thought that has occurred to numerous teachers. Burnout is real and of course, it negatively affects student achievement.

As a high school Intensive Reading teacher at East Bay, I have seen many teachers come and go due to being burned out or becoming disillusioned with the profession. According to author Jessica Mayes, she states “Educator burnout is a prevalent global issue adversely affecting productivity and contributing to elevated turnover rates, depression, and diminished personal accomplishments.” (Mayes, 2024)

Our goal is to stop the burn out before it begins. East Bay aims to attract and keep phenomenal literacy teachers happy and burnout free. According to the article, The Relationship between Selected Faculty Characteristics and Teacher Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Faculty Teaching in Grades 9 to 12 at A Comprehensive Public High School in California, it states “the educational system can enhance its support for teachers in mitigating burnout by employing innovative practices, such as the implementation of strategies aimed at securing administrative support, attending to emotional well-being, and fostering a positive school culture.” (Mayes, 2024)
Everyone wants to feel appreciated so I'm requesting a donation of $458.91 to use for teacher incentives, such as note cards, luncheons, small gifts, raffles, and snacks to enjoy during bi-monthly PLC's, and weekly collaborative lesson planning sessions, etc.

Let's give the Literacy teachers at East Bay High School something to be excited about and a reason to smile! While East Bay’s Literacy department does receive a small sum of funds, the money is solely for student incentives. With this donation, we can focus on elevating teachers so they can in turn elevate their students to the highest potential. This project will impact 24 teachers in the literacy department.

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Prevent the burnout in Literacy teachers

East Bay Senior High School 
Rachael M Ward 
Students Impacted:
July 17, 2024

54% Funded



Only $209.91 Needed



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Waking up and immediately thinking, “ah, I don’t want to go to work” is a horrible feeling. Unfortunately, it’s a thought that has occurred to numerous teachers. Burnout is real and of course, it negatively affects student achievement.

As a high school Intensive Reading teacher at East Bay, I have seen many teachers come and go due to being burned out or becoming disillusioned with the profession. According to author Jessica Mayes, she states “Educator burnout is a prevalent global issue adversely affecting productivity and contributing to elevated turnover rates, depression, and diminished personal accomplishments.” (Mayes, 2024)

Our goal is to stop the burn out before it begins. East Bay aims to attract and keep phenomenal literacy teachers happy and burnout free. According to the article, The Relationship between Selected Faculty Characteristics and Teacher Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Faculty Teaching in Grades 9 to 12 at A Comprehensive Public High School in California, it states “the educational system can enhance its support for teachers in mitigating burnout by employing innovative practices, such as the implementation of strategies aimed at securing administrative support, attending to emotional well-being, and fostering a positive school culture.” (Mayes, 2024)
Everyone wants to feel appreciated so I'm requesting a donation of $458.91 to use for teacher incentives, such as note cards, luncheons, small gifts, raffles, and snacks to enjoy during bi-monthly PLC's, and weekly collaborative lesson planning sessions, etc.

Let's give the Literacy teachers at East Bay High School something to be excited about and a reason to smile! While East Bay’s Literacy department does receive a small sum of funds, the money is solely for student incentives. With this donation, we can focus on elevating teachers so they can in turn elevate their students to the highest potential. This project will impact 24 teachers in the literacy department.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

It's not always a “walk in the park” working at East Bay. Nestled in an urban community in Gibsonton, our school is home to 1300 students. East Bay is a Title 1 school. Our student population consists of 90% of students receiving a free or reduced lunch. Our student population is already facing challenges and we as teachers help them. That can become difficult to digest. So, I pose this question, how can we make students and teachers happier?

All students in grades 9-12 at East Bay high school are required to have an English Language Arts course. Most students enrolled at East Bay will encounter a literacy teacher during the course of their academic career. Imagine being greeted by the same teacher, who is happy to be there! It would be like coming home to your family. As we all know, some students may not be fortunate to encounter that themselves, we can at least give students that feeling at school.

As a committed teacher to the Bay, I strive to boost teacher and student morale, which will in turn produce better schoolwide Reading scores.

With these funds, we can regularly celebrate East Bay’s Literacy department teachers with wonderful treats, small luncheons, and small gifts for their birthdays! I plan on using these items to increase productivity, motivation and overall well-being. Imagine receiving an uplifting note on a horrible day. Or how about a relaxing lunch with colleagues to increase morale. One of the things I enjoy most about teaching is collaboration. With these incentives, I am hoping to inspire teachers to collaborate more and share their ideas in a safe space.
My goal for the 2024-25 school year for East Bay’s Literacy Department is simple: same, smiling, happy face at the door. Every. Single. Day. Teacher happiness equals increased student outcomes!  


Benefits to my students

I expect the following outcomes:
Increased engagement from teacher to pupil
Increased positivity from teachers
Increased collaboration and teamwork
Happier students
Increased intrinsic motivation of staff and students
Improved overall teaching methods
Increased student achievement  


Budget Narrative

The items listed are all Amazon, Publix and Sam's Club products that would be given to teachers at the following intervals: beginning-of- the-year, end-of-quarter gifts, teacher appreciation week, teacher birthdays, celebration of mid-year scores, raffles during PLC meetings. The luncheons would occur one per semester.
The snack items listed will be provided to teachers to snack on during weekly PLCs/ collaboration lesson planning sessions.

Amazon Wishlist below

With the items from Amazon, I will assemble teacher kits, so each teacher will receive a bag, with a sleep mask, a shower steamer, and 2 tea bags. 



# Item Cost
1 amazon shower steamers $24.00
2 Amazon teacher survival bag Bulk Qty 60 $12.99
3 Publix fruit platter large x 2 $165.00
4 Sam's club coke pack x 2 $49.44
5 Publix wrap variety platter large x 2 $130.00
6 Sams club chip pack x 1 $18.48
7 amazon teacher eye mask x 2 $40.00
8 Amazon yogi stress and sleep sampler box $20.00
  Total: $459.91

54% Funded



Only $209.91 Needed



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