Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Speech, language, and communication are critical areas of development for children. Between the ages of 3-5, children are increasingly developing their vocabulary and learning to formulate sentences that are more and more complex. Research has found, that in some areas, more than 50% of children entering school have language levels below what is expected of their age. With the money received from this grant, my goal is to strengthen the language development of all my pre-k students by utilizing engaging and effective oral language materials.

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Let's Give Them Something to Talk About!

grant photo
Sabal Palm Elementary 
Language Arts 
Christine Wormke-DeCastro 
Students Impacted:
July 18, 2024

0% Funded



Only $554.16 Needed



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Speech, language, and communication are critical areas of development for children. Between the ages of 3-5, children are increasingly developing their vocabulary and learning to formulate sentences that are more and more complex. Research has found, that in some areas, more than 50% of children entering school have language levels below what is expected of their age. With the money received from this grant, my goal is to strengthen the language development of all my pre-k students by utilizing engaging and effective oral language materials.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

With the money received from this grant, my goal is to strengthen the language development of all my pre-k students by utilizing engaging and effective oral language materials in my Pre-k classroom. The materials purchased through Lakeshore Learning company are specifically designed to help young children build their English vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. As the classroom teacher, I will use the interactive, hands-on games and vocabulary cards to introduce new words, model appropriate language, and allow students the opportunity to practice using those words while conversing with their peers through play. Materials will be used in both whole group and small group instruction, and will be selected based on students specific language needs. All of the materials being purchased target critical vocabulary for all preschool age children to master in order to become successful future readers.  


Benefits to my students

Children entering Pre-k begin with a very wide range of language skills and abilities. It is not uncommon in my Pre-K classroom to receive students who speak very limited English. As a Pre-K teacher, one of my main goals over the course of the year is to foster and strengthen their development of language. By doing so, my students benefit tremendously. For example, research has proven that strong early vocabulary skills create strong and skillful readers. Strong language development helps young children form friendships, and enables them to communicate their needs better. With a strong vocabulary, children are able to understand what's happening around them, and ultimately make better sense of the world.  


Budget Narrative

The requested amount of $554.16 will be used to purchase 4 Oral Language activity sets from Lakeshore Learning company. The budget also includes shipping and tax expenses.  



# Item Cost
1 Vocabulary Development Photo Cards $119.00
2 Alphabet Mystery Box $59.99
3 Alphabet Sound Teaching Tubs $199.00
4 Early Language Activity Boxes $79.99
5 shipping $68.70
6 tax $27.48
  Total: $554.16

0% Funded



Only $554.16 Needed



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