Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal is to encourage students to earn Brag Tags as a way to allow students to share and show others their accomplishments. Brag tags can be earned by meeting academic goals, demonstrating positive behavior/leadership skills and other special accomplishments. Brag Tags promote, reward, and recognize academic accomplishments and positive leadership skills and behavior.

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"Brag and be Proud of You!"

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Character Education 
Samantha Morrison 
Students Impacted:
July 18, 2024

0% Funded



Only $209.68 Needed



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The goal is to encourage students to earn Brag Tags as a way to allow students to share and show others their accomplishments. Brag tags can be earned by meeting academic goals, demonstrating positive behavior/leadership skills and other special accomplishments. Brag Tags promote, reward, and recognize academic accomplishments and positive leadership skills and behavior.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to earn brag tags in all areas (academic and leadership/citizenship) and then wear and display them in the classroom, around the school campus throughout the school year. Many will be given when academic or leadership goals are met. 


Benefits to my students

Earning Brag Tags helps build student confidence and encourage growth in all areas. These Brag Tags are a tangible and fun way of showing others the special accomplishments they have achieved.  


Budget Narrative

The money will used to purchase a variety of Brag Tag set including key tag identifiers for names, Chains are included with one set of Brag Tags.  



# Item Cost
1 Basic math skills brag tag value pack (2) $61.90
2 Genre of books brag tag value pack $30.95
3 Positive student behavior brag tag value pack + 50 chains $38.95
4 promote & reward positive student behavior brag pack $30.95
5 student reading incentive tags $15.99
6 key tag identifiers $5.99
7 Brag Tag for Positive behavior & Academic value pack $24.95
  Total: $209.68

0% Funded



Only $209.68 Needed



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