Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Eleventh grade students at Aubrey Rogers High, will understand and be ready in setting post-secondary goals prior to entering twelfth grade. Their parents/guardians will have resources at their hands, helping them be an integral part in their child's education/career path prior to graduation.

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What is Your Path.....University, State College, Trade School or the Military?

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Aubrey Rogers High 
Milagros Lee 
Students Impacted:
July 19, 2024

0% Funded



Only $154.00 Needed



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Eleventh grade students at Aubrey Rogers High, will understand and be ready in setting post-secondary goals prior to entering twelfth grade. Their parents/guardians will have resources at their hands, helping them be an integral part in their child's education/career path prior to graduation. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The counselor will meet with eleventh grade students to assist them in understanding the different paths available to them upon graduation. Post secondary journeys may include attending a university/college, enrolling in a trade school, entering the workforce or enlisting in the military. The initial meeting with a small group of students will consist of students receiving a copy of their transcripts, a post secondary terminology pamphlet for colleges/universities/trade schools/military, State of Florida Matrix, Bright Futures Scholarship information and multiple website links. These documents will assist students and their families in making critical decisions and educating them during their junior year in high school. Waiting until senior year is not an option, it is too late. Appointments will be available for families to follow up and meet one on one with the counselor. 


Benefits to my students

Students will benefit by understanding the terminology which is used on the different colleges/universities/trade schools/military webpages. This will empower them to move through the sites and help them make decisions early on, knowing and understanding the requirements. This knowledge will allow students to move ahead, have their family involved and forge a path towards their life/career goals. This knowledge will also help them be on the top of their game and make them competitive.  


Budget Narrative

The different colors of paper will be used to print out the information students will take home and share with their families. Having done this our first year at Aubrey Rogers, the majority of the parents request the physical documents versus having them accessible online. 



# Item Cost
1 Pink Paper $22.00
2 Yellow Paper $22.00
3 Blue Paper $22.00
4 Green Paper $22.00
5 Orange Paper $22.00
6 Teal Paper $22.00
7 Purple Paper $22.00
  Total: $154.00

0% Funded



Only $154.00 Needed



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