Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of the Kindness Club at Corkscrew Elementary is to promote kindness by empowering students to lead by example

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Kindness Makes the World Go Round!

grant photo
Corkscrew Elementary 
Character Education 
Jessica Stricker  
Students Impacted:
July 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $375.00 Needed



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The goal of the Kindness Club at Corkscrew Elementary is to promote kindness by empowering students to lead by example 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The Kindness Club consists of students from grades first through fifth at Corkscrew Elementary. Our club meets monthly to plan activities that promote kindness throughout our campus and community. We welcome students with signs and cheers during morning meetups, sprinkle confetti with inspirational messages in classrooms to bring smiles to teachers and students, create kindness rocks for our school garden to show our love for our school, and host a February Kindness Month challenge for our classrooms. Additionally, we organize canned food and sock drives to give back to our community. These activities represent just a few of the ways our club spreads kindness at Corkscrew Elementary! 


Benefits to my students

The Kindness Club at Corkscrew Elementary will greatly benefit our students by promoting a sense of connection with their peers. Engaging in club activities will provide them with valuable tools to spread kindness wherever they go! 


Budget Narrative

I am requesting $375.00 for supplies for the Corkscrew Elementary Kindness Club. This includes purchasing T-shirts for each member to wear while spreading kindness around our campus, painting rocks with inspirational messages to enhance our school garden, and covering supplies needed for kindness challenges scheduled throughout the school year. Shipping and taxes are included in the requested amount 



# Item Cost
1 Kindness T.Shirts $300.00
2 Rocks $30.00
3 Kindness Stickers-1000 $20.00
4 Astrobrights Colored Paper- 2 Reams $25.00
  Total: $375.00

0% Funded



Only $375.00 Needed



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