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The goals of having students read “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight will help with multiple curriculum aspects of the Business Ownership class. The first thing it will help the students develop an entrepreneurial mindset. By reading the book it will showcase how a big idea can start small and grow into something massive. Students will see how Knight navigated obstacles and found solutions. Another goal would be it would assist students in understanding business and economics. Students can see real world applications of business concepts. The book illustrates marketing, branding, supply chain management, and financial strategies. Finally reading the book would add to literacy skills. By reading the book students would need to analyze complex texts and extract key information. Students would also be introduced to new and challenging vocabulary.

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In Depth Entrepreneur Study

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Aubrey Rogers High 
Adam Peterson 
Students Impacted:
July 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $750.00 Needed



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The goals of having students read “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight will help with multiple curriculum aspects of the Business Ownership class. The first thing it will help the students develop an entrepreneurial mindset. By reading the book it will showcase how a big idea can start small and grow into something massive. Students will see how Knight navigated obstacles and found solutions. Another goal would be it would assist students in understanding business and economics. Students can see real world applications of business concepts. The book illustrates marketing, branding, supply chain management, and financial strategies. Finally reading the book would add to literacy skills. By reading the book students would need to analyze complex texts and extract key information. Students would also be introduced to new and challenging vocabulary.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

In addition to the standard curriculum in the Business Ownership the book would be a supplement where students will create a business plan and pitch their business idea to a panel of “sharks”. Students will do a deep dive into Nike. Students will analyze Nike’s financial performance over time. Students will investigate the challenges and complexities of Nike’s supply chain. I will have the students identify and explain economic principles in the book. As a class we will identify leadership qualities in the book and the students will practice them within the groups they have created in the class. The book will be a great supplement that demonstrates what happens if the students have grit and follow through with an idea.  


Benefits to my students

Reading "Shoe Dog" offers students a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the world of business and entrepreneurship. Some key benefits to the students include developing an entrepreneurial mindset. Students can witness firsthand the journey of building a global brand from scratch. Students will build business acumen, students will learn about marketing, branding, finance, and supply chain management through learning about the beginning of Nike and Phil Knight. Finally, I hope students will learn leadership and teamwork by understanding the importance of building a strong team and fostering collaboration. I hope this shows when the students present their pitches at the end of the year to the investors.  


Budget Narrative

I will order 75 copies of the book on I will give the books to the students to read and collect them when we are finished so we use the books for years to come.  



# Item Cost
1 75 copies of Shoe Dog by Phil Knight $750.00
  Total: $750.00

0% Funded



Only $750.00 Needed



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