Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Our goal is to create active citizens in our community that can participate in government as they become young adults. Our students will be ready to pass the End of Course Assessment with all of these engaging games!

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Red, White & Blue, We Engage You!

grant photo
Oakridge Middle 
Social Studies 
Taylor Arnold 
Anne O'Renick and Andrea Polanco 
Students Impacted:
July 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,173.00 Needed



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Our goal is to create active citizens in our community that can participate in government as they become young adults. Our students will be ready to pass the End of Course Assessment with all of these engaging games!




School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Teachers are able to utilize the games to go with content area that is being taught that week. Students can play the games to review their learning and helps reach our different types of learners. The new Civics and Government standards will be addressed throughout the different learning platforms.



Benefits to my students

The teachers and students will use data that is created from the games to help determine what content areas need to be reviewed and what specifically the students are struggling or excelling in. This allows for the teachers to make adaptations to their review in the classroom and provide "game time" after learning difficult content in the classroom.

The different variety of games allows for greater engagement and learning. The games can be utilized as a progression and/or they may be utilized independently. These activities keep students engaged in the topics including our United States government and other civics topics.

1. Quizlet: Allows the teacher to make vocabulary and concept matching. This can be done with pictures, vocabulary, multiple choice, etc. Students and teachers can also create flashcards for review as well as tests to asses their own knowledge of different vocabulary words and concepts at home and in the classroom.
2. WordWall: The teacher inputs concepts, definitions, descriptions, etc. The platform creates "carnival-style" games to engage the learners. Students can have these assigned for competition or independent practice.
3. Quizizz: The teacher inputs the information or searches the system for ones already created. Students compete and have fun reviewing and applying their learning.
4. Blooket: The teacher inputs the information and the platform creates games that are very "video game-like". (I used this last year and students loved it! Lots of fun and creativity and the system allows the teacher to customize it all!) This is more of a challenge and the other games lead to this one.
5. Magic School AI Platform. This will allow teachers and students to utilize AI in the learning environment.

Students will be involved in playing the games which will result in learning!



Budget Narrative

1. Quizlet- $35.99 X 3 (teachers) (matching with words, definitions, pictures, creates flashcards for students to study as well as practice at home)
2. WordWall-$231.00 x 1 school account (allows for 3 teachers) (various carnival games)
3. Quizizz-$96.00 X 3 teachers (multiple styles of questions allowed, memes for added fun, practice EOC style questions in fun way)
4. Blooket-$35.88 X 3 teachers (Engagement! After using the others, this allows more of a challenge, students play in group setting in a competition with one another)
5. Magic School AI x 3 Teachers x $100 (Utilizing AI with students) 



# Item Cost
1 Quizlet (School plan for 3 Teachers) $103.00
2 Word Wall (School plan for 3 Teachers) $231.00
3 Quizzizz (x 3 teacher accounts) $431.00
4 Blooket (x 3 teacher accounts) $108.00
5 Magic School AI Platform (x 3 teacher accounts) $300.00
  Total: $1,173.00

0% Funded



Only $1,173.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners