Statewide Reach for Local Impact


At Oakridge Middle School, PBIS is an important tool for building a schoolwide culture centered around our three schoolwide behavior expectations: Be Respectful (The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.); Be Responsible (You are responsible for your actions and decisions.) and Prepared (Where am I supposed to be? When do I need to be there? What do I need while I am there?). Our goal as a school, based on year-to-year data analysis, is to reduce the overall number of discipline referrals by emphasizing positive behaviors and providing incentives to students for displaying those positive behaviors.

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"Paws"itive Behaviors in Bulldog Country

grant photo
Oakridge Middle 
Social Studies 
Taylor Arnold 
Students Impacted:
July 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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At Oakridge Middle School, PBIS is an important tool for building a schoolwide culture centered around our three schoolwide behavior expectations: Be Respectful (The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.); Be Responsible (You are responsible for your actions and decisions.) and Prepared (Where am I supposed to be? When do I need to be there? What do I need while I am there?). Our goal as a school, based on year-to-year data analysis, is to reduce the overall number of discipline referrals by emphasizing positive behaviors and providing incentives to students for displaying those positive behaviors.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

We have implemented a “Bulldog Bucks” incentive program at OMS. Bulldog Bucks are small dollar-sized slips that faculty and staff hand out to students when they observe them displaying positive behaviors throughout the school day. We are requesting funding for prizes to support a Bulldog Bucks raffle at the end of each quarter. Students will place the Bulldog Bucks they earned during the current quarter in the grade-level bins (6th, 7th, 8th) associated with the prizes they are interested in winning, with a winner from each grade level drawn randomly from the bin.  


Benefits to my students

The Bulldog Bucks program at OMS provides students with an immediate reward for showing positive behaviors and the proposed funding for prizes for quarterly raffles offers a tangible reward for students to strive for. Students will also observe their peers receiving a tangible reward for their positive behaviors when they are chosen as a winner. A Bulldog Bucks raffle adds to student motivation to engage in positive behaviors and improve overall student success.


Budget Narrative

Students are impacted every day by the culture and climate that has been established at a school and nothing impacts school climate more than the choices that students make. Not only do students feel the impact of a positive school culture in social and relational ways, but also in their academic success. Positive school culture and climate bleeds into the classroom, impacting the quality of instruction, classroom management, and increasing student learning. As a teacher the Bulldog Bucks program helps to foster positive relationships with students and a way to show appreciation to students for their good choices.  



# Item Cost
1 Quarter 1 Prizes $500.00
2 Quarter 2 Prizes $500.00
3 Quarter 3 Prizes $500.00
4 Quarter 4 Prizes $500.00
  Total: $2,000.00

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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