Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To promote a sense of classroom community in our students with room transformations while bringing Civics content to life! Students have the ability to experience these room transformations and engage with content in a way that brings learning to a different level!

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Presidential Pool Party

Oakridge Middle 
Social Studies 
Taylor Arnold 
Anne O'Renick and Andrea Polanco 
Students Impacted:
July 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $930.75 Needed



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To promote a sense of classroom community in our students with room transformations while bringing Civics content to life! Students have the ability to experience these room transformations and engage with content in a way that brings learning to a different level!



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to explain the structure, functions and processes of the executive branch of government (SS.7.CG.3.8). Having a presidential pool party allows for students to understand the different powers of the President while participating in this celebration!



Benefits to my students

Students will be interacting with content in a way that helps them remember the processes and functions of the executive branch. This is important for the success of students rocking the Civics EOC at the end of the year! 


Budget Narrative

These items will allow students to participate in the Presidential pool party and learn more about the Executive Branch of government! Students will remember the content and learning that is happening with these room transformations.  



# Item Cost
1 Inflatable Swimming Pool x3 $59.91
2 Beach Balls x6 $89.94
3 Waves Tablecloths x6 $45.84
4 Lei (150 count) x3 $98.97
5 Pineapple Centerpieces $47.91
6 Fringe Curtain x3 $36.00
7 Pool Decorations x3 $29.97
8 Pool Float x3 $51.27
9 Inflatable Trees x3 $404.97
10 Pool Rings x3 $65.97
  Total: $930.75

0% Funded



Only $930.75 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners