Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The Fifth Grade School Store Leaders at Herbert Cambridge Elementary will motivate students to follow school expectations, be engaged learners and develop qualities of good citizenship through earning and saving 'Otter Bucks' to purchase specially created limited edition items.

This grant was generously funded last year and the students loved it! This project engaged and motivated the students to work hard and make good choices. Our goal is to continue that excitement this year by presenting new creative limited edition items.

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It's Limited Edition!

grant photo
Herbert Cambridge Elementary 
Cara Denny 
Students Impacted:
July 31, 2024

0% Funded



Only $919.64 Needed



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The Fifth Grade School Store Leaders at Herbert Cambridge Elementary will motivate students to follow school expectations, be engaged learners and develop qualities of good citizenship through earning and saving 'Otter Bucks' to purchase specially created limited edition items.

This grant was generously funded last year and the students loved it! This project engaged and motivated the students to work hard and make good choices. Our goal is to continue that excitement this year by presenting new creative limited edition items. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

1. Fifth Grade School Store Leaders will research, and design limited edition items.
2. School Store Leaders will work hands on to create each limited edition item.
3. School Store Leaders will price and market limited edition items. Marketing will include the teaching and reinforcing of classroom and school wide expectations.
4. Students in kindergarten-5th grade will earn 'Otter Bucks' by following classroom and school expectations, engaging in classroom activities, focusing on their work, showing kindness, and helping fellow students.
5. Students will have an opportunity to save their Otter Bucks and shop the limited edition items when they 'drop'.  


Benefits to my students

This idea was brought forth by the School Store Leaders themselves as we brainstormed ideas to make the items in the school store more motivating for other students. One of the most important benefits for these students is to see an idea that they voiced become a reality. The school store leaders will have a unique experience of researching popular items and students' interests. They will have the opportunity to design and create special items such HCE t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles and customized water bottle stickers. These leaders will also practice merchandising, customer service, and money management (Otter Bucks) while working at the school store on a weekly basis.
The other students will learn and practice following school expectations leading to more positive behavior choices and classroom engagement which will improve focus and learning. Each Otter Buck earned will reinforce a positive behavior. Students will also learn to be patient and save their Otter Bucks for something special. 


Budget Narrative

The budget includes materials to create a variety of special edition items that can be 'dropped' throughout the year with emphasis on times where students may need added motivation. Budget includes flexibility for new ideas and all shipping and taxes.  



# Item Cost
1 175 T Shirt Transfers $175.00
2 150 Children Sized T Shirts $451.00
3 25 Adult Sized T Shirts $87.25
4 300 Customized Die Cut Vinyl Stickers $111.00
5 50 Water bottles + tax $95.39
  Total: $919.64

0% Funded



Only $919.64 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners