Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this grant is to help support my mission and vision as a School Counselor at Sabal Palm Elementary School (SPE). In addition to our CCPS District School Counseling Mission, identifying and minimizing barriers to student learning and promoting student success, my mission is to help all students feel happy, safe and want to come to school. I believe this idea not only starts at home however, starts right in the classroom with the classroom teacher. In years past, I have been able to host “Self-Care Bingo” with staff members at SPE on holiday breaks that occur seasonally throughout the year; fall, winter and spring. While I would like to continue this for the staff at SPE this 2024-2025 school year, I would also like to start a new initiative called “Coffee with the Counselor.” “Coffee with the Counselor” will support my role as a School Counselor in connecting with teachers, faculty and staff, networking with outside organizations, and ensuring that all teachers feel happy, safe, and inspired to continue to work in one of the hardest, yet most reward professions, teaching! Any chance that I have to give back to our teachers and staff is a win! They are AMAZING!

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Coffee with the Counselor!

grant photo
Sabal Palm Elementary 
School-wide program 
Jamie Flatley  
Students Impacted:
Adult Ed. 
August 1, 2024

0% Funded



Only $265.85 Needed



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The goal of this grant is to help support my mission and vision as a School Counselor at Sabal Palm Elementary School (SPE). In addition to our CCPS District School Counseling Mission, identifying and minimizing barriers to student learning and promoting student success, my mission is to help all students feel happy, safe and want to come to school. I believe this idea not only starts at home however, starts right in the classroom with the classroom teacher. In years past, I have been able to host “Self-Care Bingo” with staff members at SPE on holiday breaks that occur seasonally throughout the year; fall, winter and spring. While I would like to continue this for the staff at SPE this 2024-2025 school year, I would also like to start a new initiative called “Coffee with the Counselor.” “Coffee with the Counselor” will support my role as a School Counselor in connecting with teachers, faculty and staff, networking with outside organizations, and ensuring that all teachers feel happy, safe, and inspired to continue to work in one of the hardest, yet most reward professions, teaching! Any chance that I have to give back to our teachers and staff is a win! They are AMAZING!  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

“Coffee with the Counselor” would be held once a month for teachers to stop by the counseling office for a check-in, a conversation, a laugh or a shoulder to cry on. Being that this initiative is new, it may start off as once a quarter until I get a feel for what would work best. Whether 5 minutes or 15, teachers know that at this time they can come into a safe place to a smiling face, grab a fresh cup of coffee and be reassured that the day is going to be great! I will also have resource materials for staff related to self-care, coping, counseling updates and education news! For this project, the teachers become the students! 


Benefits to my students

If granted the opportunity to participate in this project, it would have an endless list of benefits that would support the goal of this grant and what would be done.
This includes, however is not limited to:

• Sense of belonging among SPE staff
• Sharing experiences and ideas
• Gaining knowledge and understanding
• Networking
• Bridging communication gaps
• Silencing the stigma and fear of asking for or needing help I.e: “seeing a counselor!”


Budget Narrative

Items approved will be purchased on For transparency and record keeping purposes, receipts for gift cards and receipts for items purchased with the gift cards will also be turned in if warranted. Office Supplies (resources, decorations, and accessories) bought through this grant are considered non-disposable items that can be stored and used year after year, with the exception of the ink and thank you cards. Thank you in advance for your support and consideration of this grant. 



# Item Cost
1 Amazon gift card for fall BINGO winner $25.00
2 Amazon gift card for winter BINGO winner $25.00
3 Amazon gift card for spring BINGO winner $25.00
4 Office Supply: HP ink (color/black) $34.89
5 Office Supply: 100 pack Thank You cards $24.99
6 Office Supply: Coffee Desk Decore Sign $12.98
7 Office Supply: Coffee Bar Accessories $17.99
8 Dunkin Donuts gift card for Coffee/Donuts (Quarter 1) $25.00
9 Dunkin Donuts gift card for Coffee/Donuts (Quarter 2) $25.00
10 Dunkin Donuts gift card for Coffee/Donuts (Quarter 3) $25.00
11 Dunkin Donuts gift card for Coffee/Donuts (Quarter 4) $25.00
  Total: $265.85

0% Funded



Only $265.85 Needed



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