Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project is to increase academic success and ownership school wide. Last year Sheehy Elementary was rated a school grade of a D, 294 points with only 25% of our scholars being proficient in reading, 25% proficient in math, and 35% proficient Science. This year we have set ambitious goals of moving our school grade to a school grade of a B, 432 points. While this will take a lot of hard work and dedication, we believe that everything is possible for our scholars if we all work extremely hard. The goal of this project will be to celebrate report card grades and growth, Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Achievement on assessments in all core subjects. Research shows when students own their data and celebrate growth, they are likely to perform at high levels on assessments and overall school performance.

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Dream Big. Work Hard. Celebrate.

grant photo
Sheehy Elementary School 
Character Development 
Demetria Geathers 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 4, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,858.00 Needed



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The goal of this project is to increase academic success and ownership school wide. Last year Sheehy Elementary was rated a school grade of a D, 294 points with only 25% of our scholars being proficient in reading, 25% proficient in math, and 35% proficient Science. This year we have set ambitious goals of moving our school grade to a school grade of a B, 432 points. While this will take a lot of hard work and dedication, we believe that everything is possible for our scholars if we all work extremely hard. The goal of this project will be to celebrate report card grades and growth, Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Achievement on assessments in all core subjects. Research shows when students own their data and celebrate growth, they are likely to perform at high levels on assessments and overall school performance. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

This project will benefit scholars by celebrating academic success and reinforce a culture of academic excellence at Sheehy. Scholars will be celebrated for their hard work consistently and they will have the Work Hard. Dream Big. Celebrate incentive to look forward to every quarter. This project will incentivize and motivate our scholars to do whatever it takes to push themselves to proficiency.  


Benefits to my students

1. Move school grade from a letter D, 294 to B, 432 in one year. That's 138 more points to earn a B.
2. Increase number of scholars earning Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Citizenship
3. Increase proficiency in ELA and Math from 25%
4. Increase proficiency in science from 35%
5. Increase Attendance Rates
6. Increase student ownership in academic success
7. Work Hard. Dream Big. Celebrate


Budget Narrative

The cost will cover quarterly ice cream social incentive for principal honor roll and honor roll scholars x4 times a year. Fresh Popcorn for Attendance Incentives and Improved academic growth. The outdoor games will cover yearlong academic growth on assessments and attendance incentives.

Link to Amazon Outdoor Games 



# Item Cost
1 Fresh Popcorn Box & Bags Bag x2 $274.00
2 Ice Cream x4 quarters $125 each quarter $500.00
3 Giant Playing Cards X2 $28.00
4 Giant Uno Cards x3 $45.00
5 Coney Island Toss and Games $60.00
6 Ring/Bag Toss, Kick Darts & Jumbo Checkers $248.00
7 Jumbo 4 to Score $150.00
8 Carnival Games Combo & Wood Corn In Hole $103.00
9 Steel Fram Axe and Wooden Gold $160.00
10 Jumbo Connect 4 & Jenga $290.00
  Total: $1,858.00

0% Funded



Only $1,858.00 Needed



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