Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The purpose of the program is to assist high school second language learners in their development of reading, writing, and speaking skills. Through this project each language learner will study a successful immigrant who has achieved a professional goal similar to what the student would like to achieve. Over the course of several weeks, students will develop a biography about their "hero", author their personal story, and then describe goals for their own futures. This grant will provide support materials in the form of biographies and second language learner success guides as well as materials for presentation boards for each student. The culminating activity will be presentations of their boards (My Hero-My Story-My Future) to classmates and invited guests. Research has shown that role models motivate second language learners, especially those with similar life experiences. This project gives high school English Language Learners the opportunity to read and write about those who have walked in similar shoes and have gone on to become leaders in their fields. If they see it, they believe it, and they can achieve it.

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My Hero - My Story - My Future

grant photo
Lely High 
Language Arts 
Dr. Cindy Gomez 
Students Impacted:
August 5, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,083.00 Needed



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The purpose of the program is to assist high school second language learners in their development of reading, writing, and speaking skills. Through this project each language learner will study a successful immigrant who has achieved a professional goal similar to what the student would like to achieve. Over the course of several weeks, students will develop a biography about their "hero", author their personal story, and then describe goals for their own futures. This grant will provide support materials in the form of biographies and second language learner success guides as well as materials for presentation boards for each student. The culminating activity will be presentations of their boards (My Hero-My Story-My Future) to classmates and invited guests. Research has shown that role models motivate second language learners, especially those with similar life experiences. This project gives high school English Language Learners the opportunity to read and write about those who have walked in similar shoes and have gone on to become leaders in their fields. If they see it, they believe it, and they can achieve it. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be introduced to success strategies needed for life beyond high school. Working in small groups, students will brainstorm what they would like to achieve after high school. Then, students will be introduced to various successful immigrants who have overcome similar challenges to become leaders in a variety of fields: art, science, technology, business, public service, sports, and entertainment. Through group and individual discussions, each student will select a "hero" to study. On-going lessons will include discussions and activities related to success skills. Simultaneously, students will work through guided, scaffolded lessons in reading for information and informative writing. Students will learn to read for specific details, identify facts, and develop goals. They will also craft thesis statements, write outlines, and develop short informative paragraphs. Lastly, students will develop speaking skills by sharing information with audience members. 


Benefits to my students

1. Students will identify role models who have overcome similar challenges and achieved professional success.
2. Students will explore success skills and develop personal/professional goals.
3. Students will develop reading/vocabulary skills necessary for academic success.
4. Students will develop writing skills necessary for academic success.
5. Students will develop speaking skills necessary for everyday conversation and academic success.


Budget Narrative

Items 1 through 5 are the art supplies that are needed for each student to build their presentation boards. Items 6-11 are the Famous Immigrant book series that will be used as the students explore and select their "hero." Items 12 and 13 are the texts that the class tutors and I will be using to teach the students life and academic success skills. Item 14 will be used to store (and print) pictures of each student (for their board) as well as take pictures during the presentations. Each student will have photo to share with their families. Item 15 will be presented to each student, along with the presentation photo, to celebrate the completion of the project.  



# Item Cost
1 Coloration Construction Paper (2) $80.00
2 Colored Printer Paper (2) $32.00
3 Trifold Presentation Posters (2) $225.00
4 Scissors $42.00
5 Elmer's Glue (2) $40.00
6 Famous Immigrant Scientists (2) $80.00
7 Famous Immigrant Entrepreneurs (2) $80.00
8 Famous Immigrant Artists (2) $80.00
9 Famous Immigrant Computer Scientists (2) $80.00
10 Famous Immigrant Politicians (2) $80.00
11 Famous Immigrant Athletes (2) $80.00
12 Portrait of Promise: Voices of Successful Immigrant Students (3) $90.00
13 Life Fundamentals for Successful Immigrants: 10 Principles that Can Help You Become Motivated, Focused and Resilient (3) $60.00
14 SB Card - 2 Pack $14.00
15 Certificate of Completion (2) $20.00
  Total: $1,083.00

0% Funded



Only $1,083.00 Needed



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