Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of seeking funds to expand my classroom library is to provide advanced third-grade learners with a diverse selection of new and updated chapter books that will challenge and engage them. By enriching my classroom library collection with high-quality, age-appropriate literature, I aim to foster a love of reading, enhance critical thinking skills, and support the academic growth of my advanced students. This expanded collection will ensure that all learners have access to stimulating and relevant materials that match their reading levels and interests, promoting intellectual curiosity and a lifelong passion for reading.

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Page-Turners: Expanding Horizons Library Initiative 📚

Parkside Elementary 
Language Arts 
Elizabeth Arizmendi 
Students Impacted:
August 7, 2024

0% Funded



Only $500.00 Needed



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The goal of seeking funds to expand my classroom library is to provide advanced third-grade learners with a diverse selection of new and updated chapter books that will challenge and engage them. By enriching my classroom library collection with high-quality, age-appropriate literature, I aim to foster a love of reading, enhance critical thinking skills, and support the academic growth of my advanced students. This expanded collection will ensure that all learners have access to stimulating and relevant materials that match their reading levels and interests, promoting intellectual curiosity and a lifelong passion for reading. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

With the funds to expand my classroom library, I will provide advanced third-grade learners with a carefully selected collection of new and updated chapter books. These books will be made accessible to students through a well-organized library system within the classroom. Students will have the opportunity to explore and select books that match their interests and reading levels, encouraging independent reading and critical thinking. By engaging with these enriched resources, students will enhance their reading proficiency, broaden their literary experiences, and develop a greater enthusiasm for learning. 


Benefits to my students

Expanding my classroom library with new and updated chapter books will significantly benefit my advanced third-grade learners by providing them with a richer and more diverse selection of reading materials that match their skill level and interests. This expanded collection will challenge students with more complex narratives and themes, fostering deeper comprehension and critical thinking skills. Access to a variety of engaging and contemporary books will enhance their enthusiasm for reading, support their intellectual growth, and encourage independent exploration. Additionally, it will enable differentiated instruction, allowing students to choose books that align with their personal interests and reading abilities, thereby promoting a lifelong love of reading and learning. 


Budget Narrative

The $500 budget for expanding our classroom library will be strategically allocated to enhance our collection of chapter books for advanced third-grade learners. $500 will be dedicated to purchasing a diverse selection of new and updated chapter books that are both age-appropriate and intellectually stimulating. This will include a range of genres and themes to cater to varied interests and reading levels, ensuring that students have access to engaging and challenging literature. This investment will provide students with valuable resources to support their reading development and foster a greater love for literature. 



# Item Cost
1 Chapter Books $500.00
  Total: $500.00

0% Funded



Only $500.00 Needed



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