Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To empower students to STREAM elements of the Fairy Tale to further their understanding and explore challenging situations until they find a solution.

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STREAMING Happily Ever After

grant photo
Sabal Palm Elementary 
Language Arts 
Coleen O'Shea 
Students Impacted:
August 7, 2024

0% Funded



Only $457.38 Needed



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To empower students to STREAM elements of the Fairy Tale to further their understanding and explore challenging situations until they find a solution.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students use STREAM skills to help their favorite fairy tale characters! Each kit includes a story card that presents a dilemma for kids to solve. Students must plan, create, and test solutions—to help a prince scale a tower to rescue Rapunzel, get the Gingerbread Man across a river, design a house that can’t be blown down, construct a bridge that keeps three goats safe from the troll and build a chair even Goldilocks can’t break! The STREAM Design Process is a four-step cycle that helps students find solutions to problems in a systematic way. Each step promotes creative thinking, learning, and innovation. The four steps are plan, create, test, and analyze results.



Benefits to my students

STREAM stimulates creativity, builds problem-solving skills, and draws upon natural curiosity. Students gain knowledge and experience in the STREAM disciplines of Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering and Math by working on engaging, project-based activities. Students explore, observe, question, predict, and investigate STREAM concepts and possible solutions.  


Budget Narrative

The kits will be ordered from Lakeshore Learning. Each kit comes with a STEM-focused story card, building materials, a guide, plus student and teacher cards with lesson plans and full support.  



# Item Cost
1 Fairy Tales Problem Solving STEM Kit- Set 1 $189.00
2 Fair2y Tales Problem Solving STEM kit-Set $189.00
3 Shipping $56.70
4 tax $22.68
  Total: $457.38

0% Funded



Only $457.38 Needed



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