Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of the obstacle course set is to encourage students to get their bodies moving in a fun and engaging way. The two obstacle course sets will be used for the entire school as well as featured in our field day, one of the most exciting events during the school year!

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Run, Jump, Duck: Obstacle Course!

grant photo
Estates Elementary 
Alison Kannal  
Erin Gaudio and Aime Herrera  
Students Impacted:
August 8, 2024
October 1, 2024

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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The goal of the obstacle course set is to encourage students to get their bodies moving in a fun and engaging way. The two obstacle course sets will be used for the entire school as well as featured in our field day, one of the most exciting events during the school year! 



Physical Education Equipment - Rackets, bats, balls, nets, jump ropes, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to improve their locomotor skills by running, dodging, and weaving through the obstacles. Each piece of equipment can be adjusted to fit the different heights of the students. Students will be able to work together to design their own obstacle course. After each team designs their obstacle course, other teams can work together to complete the course.  


Benefits to my students

There are many benefits to the students if they are able to have this versatile set of equipment. First, they will exercise their bodies in a moderate to vigorous way. It is recommended for children to get sixty minutes of exercise per day. This obstacle course will encourage students to have fun as well as exercise. Second, they will use social skills to work together. They will collaborate and use their creativity. Finally, having this equipment will allow for multi purpose use for over 1,000 students.  


Budget Narrative

All $2,000 will go towards brand new equipment used for K-5th grade students! The complete set includes 30 domes, 12 Klipz clips, 6 arch gates, 18 wand posts, and 12 DuraHoopPlus hoops. Will be used right away! 



# Item Cost
1 Gopher Multi Dome Obstacle Course Set $2,000.00
  Total: $2,000.00

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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