Statewide Reach for Local Impact


We have done "we dine together" in the past and have found it difficult to get kids connected due to the large amounts of students being serviced during the lunch period once a month. Myself and my co-counselor feel as though a more intimate group of student-counselor lunches would not only be more impactful for the kids, but would allow us to host more frequently because we would be spending less every meal. This grant would allow us to provide fun lunches for new students, student groups, or students having a difficult time that need to feel more connected to our school. Our goal is always to foster community and kindness. What better way than to do that through a shared meal.

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Lunch with the school counselors

grant photo
Pine Ridge Middle 
School-wide program 
Annina Cosentino 
Students Impacted:
August 8, 2024

4% Funded



Only $1,865.00 Needed



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We have done "we dine together" in the past and have found it difficult to get kids connected due to the large amounts of students being serviced during the lunch period once a month. Myself and my co-counselor feel as though a more intimate group of student-counselor lunches would not only be more impactful for the kids, but would allow us to host more frequently because we would be spending less every meal. This grant would allow us to provide fun lunches for new students, student groups, or students having a difficult time that need to feel more connected to our school. Our goal is always to foster community and kindness. What better way than to do that through a shared meal.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Students will be invited to our guidance conference room every week or so to share a meal, bond with other kids, and get to know their school counselors. We are their ally's here in the school building. It is imperative that students know they are always welcomed and supported at Pine Ridge. 


Benefits to my students

This program fosters community amongst students, school-connectedness, and counselor-student relationships. It has been said that students who feel as though they have at least ONE trusted adult at school are more likely to be protected from school avoidance, attendance concerns, academic probations, and mental health challenges. As school counselor, I practice from a student-first mentality. This program puts kids first and lets them know that they are cared for.  


Budget Narrative

This is an estimate because I do not know how many kids will be attending every time and what the food will cost. I am asking for the full amount of $2000, as this is a school-wide program that benefits all kids at Pine Ridge Middle. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Champions for Learning does amazing things for our CCPS staff and students. We would not be able to do this without you!  



# Item Cost
1 Pizza $350.00
2 Chick-fil-A $350.00
3 Chips $150.00
4 Sweet Treats $150.00
5 Plates, Napkins, Plastic silverware $150.00
6 Sub Sandwiches $350.00
7 Donuts $150.00
8 Bagels $150.00
9 Water Bottles $150.00
  Total: $1,950.00

4% Funded



Only $1,865.00 Needed



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