Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this projects is to introduce students in grades 3-5 to some of the endangered animals of Florida. Students will learn about native endangered animals and then create paintings of the animal in it's habitat. Students will also make ceramic sculptures of those animals. Animals to be studied include: Florida Panthers, Manatees, Florida Black Bears and Loggerhead Sea Turtles.

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Florida's Endangered Animals

Pelican Marsh Elementary 
Deborah Harloff 
Students Impacted:
August 9, 2024

0% Funded



Only $880.00 Needed



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The goal of this projects is to introduce students in grades 3-5 to some of the endangered animals of Florida. Students will learn about native endangered animals and then create paintings of the animal in it's habitat. Students will also make ceramic sculptures of those animals. Animals to be studied include: Florida Panthers, Manatees, Florida Black Bears and Loggerhead Sea Turtles. 



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will learn about the endangered animals of Florida, They will learn about their habitats and why they are endangered. Each student will then create a painting of the animal in it's habitat. Students will then create a minimum of three ceramic sculptures depicting the endangered animal(s) of their choice. 


Benefits to my students

Students will gain a better understanding of the endangered animals that inhabit Florida. Students will learn how all people can be a part of protecting endangered animals and their habitats.
Each student will create a tempera painting of an endangered animal. Students will learn how to incorporate art principles of composition, balance and emphasis in their individual paintings. In ceramics, students will learn ceramic sculpture, proper techniques for creating ceramic sculpture and applying glaze to the sculptures. 


Budget Narrative

the grant request is to purchase the paper, paint, glaze and brushes for the project. The school PTO has already purchased the clay for the school art projects. The grant funds will provide: 18x24 inch paper, 24 bottles of Crayola tempera paint in an assortment of colors, pint bottles of SAX ceramic glaze in the following colors: brown, black, gray, beige, various greens and a set of brushes for glazing and painting. 



# Item Cost
1 glaze, $320.00
2 brushes $210.00
3 paint $200.00
4 18x24 paper $150.00
  Total: $880.00

0% Funded



Only $880.00 Needed



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