Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this request is to provide Golden Gate Elementary students with the tools to practice printmaking in the art room. With the supplies listed my students will be able to experiment with new tools in the classroom they have never used before that are strictly for printmaking.

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Printmaking Stamps

Golden Gate Elementary  
Sara Stowers 
Students Impacted:
August 9, 2024

0% Funded



Only $344.09 Needed



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The goal of this request is to provide Golden Gate Elementary students with the tools to practice printmaking in the art room. With the supplies listed my students will be able to experiment with new tools in the classroom they have never used before that are strictly for printmaking. 



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The projects that will be done with my students will be focused on all different techniques of printmaking. The materials donated will be applied to all grade levels and are able to be used with students of all abilities. With these listed materials students will be able to use different tools and materials to create a print in many different forms. With stamps, stamp rollers and stamp ink students will be able to pull a print based off the given stamp. Color foam and foam will help students create their own stamps by carving into the foam using a pen or a craft skewer. Aluminum metal also does this same effect, carving on one side so their picture shows on the metal. Students can either print using the metal or can color using rainbow sharpies to design their carving. Drying racks will help so much when students pull more than one print they can place their print on the rack. Trays will be used for students to get messy in along with holding ink or bubbles based on the certain printing project. Mixed media paper is the best for heavy duty paint like ink for the students to use to create their pieces. The paint pendulum gives the students the chance to create a print done by a hanging pendulum filled with paint. Another interesting perspective of printmaking for the students. 


Benefits to my students

These materials are unique to printmaking and give my students the opportunity to make and use stamps and pull different types of prints using a medium they never have before. These materials will give all my students a chance to participate. I have a wide range of students with all different capabilities and these materials will give all my students a chance to be hands on and express themselves. Printmaking is a huge part of the world and is an important skill for my students to have in their futures.



Budget Narrative

All materials will be used during printmaking with all classes. Students with and with out disabilities. The materials will be purchased on amazon. Thank you! 



# Item Cost
1 Aluminum metal $16.58
2 Rainbow sharpies $12.99
3 foam $23.99
4 paint trays/tool trays $109.79
5 mixed media paper $47.80
6 ink for stamp $20.97
7 stamp rollers $10.99
8 crayola paint pendulum $20.99
9 drying rack $79.99
  Total: $344.09

0% Funded



Only $344.09 Needed



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