Statewide Reach for Local Impact


This grant application is for the rights to a play and a musical. I am a new theatre teacher and I do not have much funding to work with. My students will be fundraising for their competition fees, club dues, and International Thespian Society induction, as well as props, sets, costumes, etc. However, the rights are the biggest financial hurdle and I would like to remove that hurdle for my students so we can begin the year on somewhat level footing.

NOTE: I have the PDFs of the quotes if needed, but I am unable to attach them here. Though the total costs of our rights exceed the grant limit, we would still be very grateful for any amount we can be awarded.

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Rights Funding

Robinson Senior High School 
Jessie Dorsey 
Students Impacted:
August 9, 2024

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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This grant application is for the rights to a play and a musical. I am a new theatre teacher and I do not have much funding to work with. My students will be fundraising for their competition fees, club dues, and International Thespian Society induction, as well as props, sets, costumes, etc. However, the rights are the biggest financial hurdle and I would like to remove that hurdle for my students so we can begin the year on somewhat level footing.

NOTE: I have the PDFs of the quotes if needed, but I am unable to attach them here. Though the total costs of our rights exceed the grant limit, we would still be very grateful for any amount we can be awarded. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

This theatre program has dwindled and is stagnant. They did not even get one full production last year. I am the elected president of Theatre Tampa Bay and I am on the Board of Directors of ThinkTank Theatre, so I am very well versed in how to mount and manage a season of shows. My students will benefit the most from performing a play and a musical (in addition to our competition events, cabaret, and monologue showcase) this year, as it will allow students in all areas to participate: singers, non-singing actors, technicians, directors, dramaturgs, etc. Plays and musicals are the two most common forms of theatre performed in the community, and our students will gain real-world experience from having done one of each this year. Being able to mount a full season in this way also allows students to glimpse the business and producing sides of theatre, as well as generating multiple fundraising opportunities for future shows through the ticket sales of all events. These events align with the curriculum and will allow the students to apply their knowledge of performance, technical aspects (such as lighting, sound, costumes, props, and makeup), dramaturgy/script analysis, and theatre history. Having this hands-on experience will improve their engagement and enthusiasm for the curriculum as well as their test scores, both in the grade book and on the semester exam. 


Benefits to my students

Students will understand and demonstrate proper theatre etiquette and knowledge of each role in theatre. Students will understand the legalities of mounting a show (rights, break times, etc.). Students will gain performance and/or technical hands-on experience in making a show possible. Students will learn how to operate as a part of a unit, a team member, to create something bigger than themselves. Community outreach will be prominent as we perform out productions for our community members and stakeholders. 


Budget Narrative

The Fall play is As She Likes It, and the rights are held by Dramatic Publishing. The spring musical is Title of Show, and the rights are held by Concord Theatricals. I have already applied and been approved by both companies for the rights; all that's left to do is pay for them. I have the PDFs of each quote and deposit if needed.

Please Note: The rights for Title of Show exceed the grant limit, but with the head start from this grant and the ticket sales from the fall play, I am confident we can pay for the remaining amount as a club.

Thank you so much for your consideration! 



# Item Cost
1 Rights for As She Likes It from Dramatic Publishing $424.16
2 Rights deposit for Title of Show from Concord Theatricals $250.00
3 Rights for Title of Show from Concord Theatricals $1,325.84
  Total: $2,000.00

0% Funded



Only $2,000.00 Needed



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