Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Civics is one of the most challenging course that my seventh graders will face this year. It includes many standards and benchmarks that the students struggle to comprehend. At the end of the course, students have a high stakes state test. The goal of this grant is to make the Civics come to life and help students better understand and apply the concepts taught in the course through use of various online games and assistance with concepts. I also want my students to be great citizens and future voters. Gamification has been proven to help students learn material in a fun and engaging way. According to Karl Kapp “Games and gamification both can lead to high levels of learner engagement and motivation.”

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Building Civic Minded Students

Gulfview Middle 
Social Studies 
Andrew Svec 
All of Social Studies at Gulfview Middle 
Students Impacted:
August 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $289.00 Needed



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Civics is one of the most challenging course that my seventh graders will face this year. It includes many standards and benchmarks that the students struggle to comprehend. At the end of the course, students have a high stakes state test. The goal of this grant is to make the Civics come to life and help students better understand and apply the concepts taught in the course through use of various online games and assistance with concepts. I also want my students to be great citizens and future voters. Gamification has been proven to help students learn material in a fun and engaging way. According to Karl Kapp “Games and gamification both can lead to high levels of learner engagement and motivation.”  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

My students will interact with the created games and content. This will allow for engaging lessons and review of what has been taught in the course. These games will then be linked to Canvas pages for students to have access for homework, studying, review and even fun! It will also help with behavior management in the class by rewarding students for hard work.
The teachers and students will use this information to determine strengths and weaknesses. This will allowed me, my administrators, team, and my students to "see" areas of struggles and give them extra practice to move them to mastery.
Variety allows for greater engagement and learning. The games can be utilized as a progression and/or they may be utilized independently. These activities keep students interested in learning about our country's government and all civics-related topics.
1. Quizlet: Allows the teacher to make vocabulary and concept matching. This can be done with pictures, vocabulary, multiple choice, etc. This system interacts with other games and enables easy download and upload into other platforms. Students race and compete individually and in groups.
2. WordWall: The teacher inputs concepts, definitions, descriptions, etc. The platform creates "carnival-style" games to engage the learners. Students can have these assigned for competition or independent practice.
3. Quizizz: The teacher inputs the information or searches the system for ones already created. Students compete and have fun reviewing and applying their learning.
4. Blooket: The teacher inputs the information and the platform creates games that are very "video game-like". (I used this last year and students loved it! Lots of fun and creativity and the system allows the teacher to customize it all!) This is more of a challenge and the other games lead to this one. The suspense builds!

Students will be involved in playing the games which will result in learning and better comprehension of the material covered. Students will be more excited about coming to Civics. Last year our school was Number 1 in the district and we had 90% of all of our 7th graders pass the Civics EOC. These programs game a variety of ways to help instruct the children and gain confidence going into the test. We beat the state average on the test was a 65%.


Benefits to my students

Engaging students is vital to learning. Games and activities that allow for discussion, competition and fun, help to instill excitement. Students will be able to review the material in fun ways that will help them to remember and apply their understanding. At the end of the year, students will be able to easily review and recall needed information for the state test. The Progress monitoring of my students’ achievement and their weakness will allow me to tailor instruction for their benefit. Using the results, both teachers and students will be able to determine areas of strength and need. The ability to help my struggling students gain confidence not only in Civics but reading, writing and communication with others. This collaboration which has been lacking will make students better citizens and future voters. 


Budget Narrative

Unfortunately, all sites have raised prices. Yet each one really allows me to help students grow and understand the material.  



# Item Cost
1 Quizizz $100.00
2 Blooket $117.00
3 Quizlet $36.00
4 WordWall $36.00
  Total: $289.00

0% Funded



Only $289.00 Needed



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