Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The primary goal of this grant is to keep our 8th grade students engaged and excited by physical science experiments and investigations. To accomplish this, they will be able to participate in activities that utilize high-quality hot plates. By equipping our science lab with these essential tools, we aim to facilitate hands-on learning and experimentation, allowing students to conduct a variety of scientific investigations involving heat and chemical reactions. This will not only deepen their understanding of fundamental scientific concepts but also foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a passion for science.

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Plate-Form (platform) for Discovery Grant

grant photo
Oakridge Middle 
Maria Hill (LaRocco) 
Students Impacted:
August 10, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,899.00 Needed



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The primary goal of this grant is to keep our 8th grade students engaged and excited by physical science experiments and investigations. To accomplish this, they will be able to participate in activities that utilize high-quality hot plates. By equipping our science lab with these essential tools, we aim to facilitate hands-on learning and experimentation, allowing students to conduct a variety of scientific investigations involving heat and chemical reactions. This will not only deepen their understanding of fundamental scientific concepts but also foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a passion for science.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Once the hot plates are acquired, they will be used to:
1. Conduct Experiments: Students will use the hot plates to perform experiments that require controlled heating, such as investigating chemical reactions, studying the properties of materials, and observing changes in states of matter.
2. Enhance Hands-On Learning: By incorporating hands-on activities that involve heating substances, students will gain practical experience with scientific processes and concepts, improving their understanding and retention of the material.
3. Develop Laboratory Skills: Students will learn to handle and use scientific equipment safely and effectively, including understanding temperature control, proper use of safety gear, and maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
4. Foster Scientific Inquiry: The hot plates will enable students to design and carry out their own experiments, encouraging inquiry-based learning and critical thinking as they hypothesize, test, and analyze results.
5. Support Collaborative Learning: Group activities and experiments using the hot plates will promote teamwork and communication skills as students work together to achieve common scientific goals.
6. Prepare for Future Studies: By gaining experience with essential laboratory equipment, students will be better prepared for advanced science courses in high school and beyond, laying a strong foundation for future scientific exploration and careers.
These activities will be integrated into the curriculum to ensure that the use of hot plates directly supports the educational objectives and enhances the overall learning experience in the science lab.


Benefits to my students

Our current hot plates have served our science lab faithfully for over a decade, providing invaluable support for countless experiments and educational activities. While their longevity speaks to their initial quality, the demands of modern science education and the advances in laboratory technology highlight the need for an upgrade. The existing equipment, though initially reliable, is now outdated and lacks the advanced safety features, precision, and efficiency that contemporary hot plates offer. To continue providing a safe, effective, and engaging learning environment for our students, it is essential to update our hot plates to reflect current standards and enhance our science curriculum.
Using high-quality hot plates in the classroom provides several key benefits for students:
1. Enhanced Safety: High-quality hot plates come with advanced safety features, such as precise temperature controls, automatic shut-off, and sturdy construction. This helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer learning environment.
2. Accurate Temperature Control: Precise temperature regulation allows students to conduct experiments requiring exact heating conditions. This accuracy improves the reliability of experimental results and enhances the understanding of thermal processes.
3. Durability and Reliability: High-quality hot plates are built to last and perform consistently. This reliability minimizes disruptions in experiments due to equipment failure and ensures that students can focus on their learning objectives.
4. Improved Learning Experience: The use of well-made equipment enhances the overall educational experience. Students benefit from smooth, efficient experiments, which helps them better grasp complex scientific concepts and processes.
5. Increased Engagement: Modern, high-quality equipment often comes with user-friendly features that make experiments more engaging and intuitive. This can boost students’ enthusiasm for science and encourage them to explore further.


Budget Narrative

9 Benchmark Digital Hotplates H3760-H




# Item Cost
1 9 Hot Plates $1,899.00
  Total: $1,899.00

0% Funded



Only $1,899.00 Needed



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