Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Our goal is to promote inclusion for all students at Vineyards Elementary. The goal for our students is for them to be able to have opportunities to communicate their wants and ideas while interacting with peers and teachers on the playground. The Picture Communication Symbols playground signs (PCS signs) will be an easy and effective way for nonverbal and verbal students to have opportunities to interact and socialize together in an inclusive way. These PCS signs incorporate core word vocabulary essential for effective and functional communication used in everyday life.

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Inclusion & Communication: Playground Signs for ALL!

grant photo
Vineyards Elementary 
School-wide program 
Nicole Brown 
Students Impacted:
Pre K - 5 
August 11, 2024

0% Funded



Only $150.00 Needed



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Our goal is to promote inclusion for all students at Vineyards Elementary. The goal for our students is for them to be able to have opportunities to communicate their wants and ideas while interacting with peers and teachers on the playground. The Picture Communication Symbols playground signs (PCS signs) will be an easy and effective way for nonverbal and verbal students to have opportunities to interact and socialize together in an inclusive way. These PCS signs incorporate core word vocabulary essential for effective and functional communication used in everyday life. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Our nonverbal and verbal students will be able to access and utilize the PCS signs on the playgrounds at Vineyards Elementary by pointing or tapping the icons in order to communicate their wants and socialize with peers and teachers. Both speech-language pathologists will educate staff and students on how to use these signs effectively and how to facilitate functional communication so that all students can communicate together in an inclusive way. 


Benefits to my students

Using these PCS signs on the playground will give nonverbal and verbal students access to core word vocabulary that will promote functional communication. These signs will also give all of our students a way to interact and socialize together in order to form meaningful connections and relationships with each other. This will truly promote inclusion schoolwide for all of our students. 


Budget Narrative

3 PCS Vinyl Playground Signs:




# Item Cost
1 1 PCS Vinyl Playground Sign (4x3') $50.00
2 1 PCS Vinyl Playground Sign (4x3') $50.00
3 1 PCS Vinyl Playground Sign (4x3') $50.00
  Total: $150.00

0% Funded



Only $150.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners