Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To purchase additional running bling for students in order to continue our motivational running program at TBE.

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Running Bling

grant photo
Tommie Barfield Elementary 
Deana Richett 
Students Impacted:
August 12, 2024

5% Funded



Only $513.37 Needed



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To purchase additional running bling for students in order to continue our motivational running program at TBE.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

In the 2020-21 school year we began using “running bling” to help motivate our students to run both in PE class and during run club. We use a running app to track student's laps and distance while running throughout the school year. Students receive the running bling based on the number of miles/lap they complete and have developed a strong interest in the program due to this reward system. They wear their bling on the necklaces and are so proud of their accomplishments while also increasing their physical health. This grant opportunity would allow us to purchase additional running bling for students to wear their bling. 


Benefits to my students

This running program has increased the number of students who have found a passion in running and developed a sense of motivation for others. Students have the opportunity to run both before school in the run club program and once a week during physical education class. Students are able to improve their cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness level with the passion and motivation of the running program here at Tommie Barfield Elementary.  


Budget Narrative

Students keep their running bling and necklaces each year. They wear them proudly, but we do have to resupply the stock each year, so this purchase will ensure that we have enough running bling for students throughout the 2024-25 school year.
All of the items will be purchased through  



# Item Cost
1 1000 colorful running charms x3 $204.57
2 1000 sparkle running charms x2 $166.90
3 1000 Tie-Dye running charms x2 $166.90
  Total: $538.37

5% Funded



Only $513.37 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners