Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To familiarize students with learning how to follow directions, problem solve, work with others, and create interesting Lego Creations during school wide club time in Lego Club.

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Lego Club

Herbert Cambridge Elementary 
School-wide program 
Alexander Richett 
Students Impacted:
August 12, 2024

0% Funded



Only $617.89 Needed



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To familiarize students with learning how to follow directions, problem solve, work with others, and create interesting Lego Creations during school wide club time in Lego Club.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Legos will be purchased to create a Lego Club at our school that students can sign up for during club time. During club time, with the purchase of the Lego sets, students will be able to work in groups and create different Lego structures that align with their age level. There will be different sets spread out around the room where students can work at building parts of the set, and then combining them at the end to create a finished product. The sets purchased can then be broken down when finished, and the students then can work on other sets. These sets can be used for years and years during club time, allowing students to explore with these STEM learning toys.  


Benefits to my students

Legos are a great way for students to learn how to follow directions, problem solve, and work with others, while also building cool and unique structures. Legos also help students to gain confidence in reading instructions and following along to do something they have never done before. This skill will help them as they get older to be confident in problem solving when trying to get help with school work by following YouTube videos, following directions when cooking meals from a cookbook, or following a diagram that shows them how to fix an appliance at home. All these skills are vital for problem solving as a student, and as an adult, and what a great way to learn through building with Legos!  


Budget Narrative

All of the above Lego sets will be bought and used during Club Time at Herbert Cambridge. The Legos will be stored and used in future club years as well. These Lego sets have multiple builds within them, allowing students to have opportunities to create and learn by building sets of different difficulty levels. 



# Item Cost
1 LEGO CITY Delivery Truck $74.17
2 LEGO Pirate Ship Bundle $137.79
3 LEGO Insect and Sunflower Bundle $84.79
4 LEGO Tiny Plants and Daffodils Bundle $58.29
5 LEGO The Crafting Table and Steve's Desert Expedition Bundle $90.09
6 LEGO Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut Grey Hypercar and Bugatti Bolide Agile Blue $87.97
7 LEGO K.K.'s Concert at the Plaza and Julian's Birthday Party Bundle $84.79
  Total: $617.89

0% Funded



Only $617.89 Needed



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