Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this grant is to secure stable funding for a GradeCam subscription until the end of the 25-26 school year. Our current subscription expires in December of 2024.

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Help keep the DATA in data driven instruction!

grant photo
Parkside Elementary 
School-wide program 
David Ware 
All 2nd-5th grade teachers 
Students Impacted:
August 13, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,800.00 Needed



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The goal of this grant is to secure stable funding for a GradeCam subscription until the end of the 25-26 school year. Our current subscription expires in December of 2024.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

A school-wide GradeCam subscription benefits all 2nd – 5th grade students because it is a crucial tool used by teachers to use data to make instructional decisions. Our teachers use GradeCam in all subjects to track students’ growth and implement targeted interventions based on data collected and analyzed in GradeCam.

Parkside has had a school-wide GradeCam subscription since August 2018. Originally it was paid for with grant money and in the past two years has been funded by Title I. A decrease in Title I funding means that renewing our subscription isn’t possible this year.


Benefits to my students

Students indirectly benefit from a GradeCam subscription because the data collected and analyzed in GradeCam helps teachers plan more impactful lessons, and create targeted reviews to meet the needs of their students all while making grading assignments and assessments quick and easy for the teachers.  


Budget Narrative

All funding will be used to purchase a school-wide subscription to GradeCam for the next one and a half school years.



# Item Cost
1 1/2 year school-wide GradeCam subscription $600.00
2 Full year school-wide GradeCam subscription $1,200.00
  Total: $1,800.00

0% Funded



Only $1,800.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners