Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this request is to provide Herbert Cambridge Elementary students the opportunity to beautify their school campus. With the materials listed students will be able to participate in more community display events and help create banners for the schools hallways/yearly events.

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Paper Projects

Herbert Cambridge Elementary 
Sara Stowers 
Students Impacted:
August 14, 2024

0% Funded



Only $551.30 Needed



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The goal of this request is to provide Herbert Cambridge Elementary students the opportunity to beautify their school campus. With the materials listed students will be able to participate in more community display events and help create banners for the schools hallways/yearly events.  



School supplies - Markers, paints, paper, crayons, clay, pencils, sharpies, modeling dough, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to create inside the art room using materials they have never used before. These materials will give the students a chance to manipulate more than one media when creating art instillations for Herbert Cambridge hallways and the surrounding community. Tempera sticks and India ink will be used to create colorful school spirit banners and banners for family events made by the students! Sharpies will let students be able to challenge their drawing skills by not being able to erase! Students will be able to explore color theory with the use of primary tempera paint and acrylic paint. The mixed media paper will give the students a chance to experience how the thickness and durability of paper helps enhance their artwork. Tissue paper and construction paper will be used to add color to projects that involve paper. Glue sticks will be used with almost every art project to enhance younger students fine motor skills practicing cutting and gluing. Foil, foam and bubble wrap will let the kids explore printmaking when using cardstock paper. Paper Mache will be introduced to my students this year to create 3D works of art using paper. 


Benefits to my students

Students all ages will be able to use materials they might have never been able to use before. These materials and tools will give my students the chance to expand their techniques inside the art classroom. The huge take away for my students is also just giving them the leadership role in creating banners and art work to make their campus a little bit more colorful!  


Budget Narrative

Listed are just simple tools and materials to give Herbert Cambridge a little beautification. Tempera sticks will be used on banners, plates for weaving, big paint brushes for students with lack of fine motor skills, mixed media paper for projects, paint, glue and sharpies on lesson specific projects.

Thank you for helping my Otters grow in the art room!



# Item Cost
1 India Ink $26.00
2 Erasers 12 count $10.00
3 Tempera Sticks $48.00
4 Glue sticks 60 count $21.32
5 Mixed Media Paper (x2) $177.58
6 Shuttle Art Sharpies $38.99
7 Plaster/paper mache $70.99
8 Rianbow sharpies $50.99
9 rainbow construction paper $26.99
10 Foil $24.00
11 bubble wrap $18.86
12 Foam $17.59
13 Card stock $19.99
  Total: $551.30

0% Funded



Only $551.30 Needed



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