Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Chemistry students often struggle with difficult subject matter. Throughout the year, they can lose interest or become disheartened as they tackle difficult concepts. Moreover, sophomore year is a pivotal year for students to learn who they are and what skills they have to offer the world. With this grant, I hope to provide a mini-professional development lesson to help students determine their strengths, and then afterwards use the assessment results to help them apply what they have learned to be leaders within the classroom and help choose extra-curriculars and form career goals based on what they have learned.

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SSTRIDE Chemistry

Immokalee High 
Ivon Mason 
Students Impacted:
August 14, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,678.88 Needed



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Chemistry students often struggle with difficult subject matter. Throughout the year, they can lose interest or become disheartened as they tackle difficult concepts. Moreover, sophomore year is a pivotal year for students to learn who they are and what skills they have to offer the world. With this grant, I hope to provide a mini-professional development lesson to help students determine their strengths, and then afterwards use the assessment results to help them apply what they have learned to be leaders within the classroom and help choose extra-curriculars and form career goals based on what they have learned. 



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What will be done with my students

Students will take the assessment. Then, there will be a follow-up lesson where students’ strengths are reviewed. Students will self-reflect on ways their strengths can be applied. These strengths will be referred back to throughout the year and during projects. 


Benefits to my students

Studies show that to increase student resilience, the most effective way to help them is for students to discover their strengths and how they can apply them. By leaning in on their strengths, they are less likely to give up in difficult situations.
Understanding what they are good at helps children develop a positive self-image and boosts their self-esteem. This confidence can motivate them to tackle challenges and set higher goals. Moreover, when children are aware of their strengths, they are more likely to engage in activities that interest them. This increased engagement can lead to better performance and a more enjoyable learning experience.
Inside the classroom, focusing on a students’ strengths will help them build on what they already excel at, promoting deeper learning and skill development. This can also help them compensate for areas where they may be weaker.
Furthermore, when children know their strengths, they can make more informed decisions about their interests and future aspirations. This can guide them in choosing extracurricular activities, academic paths, and eventually career options that align with their strengths.
This activity will also promote positive relationships within the classroom. As students work in groups, they will understand their strengths and can better appreciate and value the strengths of others. As a result, it will foster collaboration, teamwork, and positive social interactions. By leveraging their strengths, children can approach problems and challenges more creatively and effectively, finding solutions that work best for them. 


Budget Narrative

The budgeted items will include the capacity for 112 students to take the Clifton Strengths Assessment. 



# Item Cost
1 112 Clifton Strengths Assessments $1,678.88
  Total: $1,678.88

0% Funded



Only $1,678.88 Needed



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