Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of this project to be able to provide the basic needs for my students.

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Filling the needs of our students.

Memorial Middle School 
Jesus Moreno 
Students Impacted:
August 27, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,596.20 Needed



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The goal of this project to be able to provide the basic needs for my students.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

With this grant I will be able to purchase healthy snacks and school supplies that can be distributed to the student population on an as need basis. Memorial Middle School is primarily made up of minorities, accounting for 91% of the student population. Within this population some of my students are considered to be homeless and work with the McKinney-Vento National Center for Homeless Education. Additionally, 76% of the students are considered to be economically disadvantaged. Although they are provided with a lunch, I am still having students come to my office requesting snacks as they are still hungry. This in turn will cause the child to not be able to focus on their class. With this grant, I will be able to assist with their basic need of being well nourished. In hopes that they will be able to not worry about being hungry throughout the day. The towels and personal hygiene products would be for those students who might have an accident in school and needs to shower. We also provide have families in the McKinney Vento program and are homeless. These products will help the students to be able to attend school without fear of being targeted for what some might take for granted.  


Benefits to my students

The expected outcome of this project is that students will be able to perform better in class and want to come to school and do their best.  


Budget Narrative

The items purchased with this grant will provide encompasses all the needs of my students and families at Memorial Middle School. The items consist of healthy snacks, personal hygiene items and towels for those students who have an accident while in school. The sneakers will be for those students who shoes are falling apart and cannot afford to purchase a new pair for the school year.  



# Item Cost
1 15 Healthy Snack Box 37ct @ $34.94/each from Sam's Club $579.90
2 5 Personal Item Kits 24/ct @ $47.00/each (deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap) Amazon $230.30
3 120 Towels for students/McKinney-Vento Families @ $143.00/pack $286.00
4 25 pairs of sneakers (Sizes will vary based on student in need) $500.00
  Total: $1,596.20

0% Funded



Only $1,596.20 Needed



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