Statewide Reach for Local Impact


I am constantly searching for ways to get students excited to learn and stay engaged. The Qball microphone is a fun, soft, and colorful ball that makes classroom discussions more interactive. It’s wireless and easy to pass around, encouraging students to get involved by tossing it to each other during activities. Despite its playful design, the Qball provides clear audio, ensuring that every student’s voice is heard and boosting overall participation. My goal is to utilize the Qball microphone to enhance student engagement and support specific learning standards. The Qball will be a wonderful addition to our science lab, and will foster a more interactive and inclusive environment. The possibilities are endless in what can be achieved with student confidence, self-esteem, and oral language skills.

The Qball will create an engaging atmosphere that will encourage students to contribute actively during discussions and activities. The Qball aligns with our school’s priority of enhancing student communication skills and increasing engagement across all grade levels.

The Qball supports key standards such as:

ELA.5.C.2.1: Presenting information orally with logical sequence, appropriate volume, clear pronunciation, and pacing.
ELA.5.C.5.1: Arranging multimedia elements to create emphasis in oral tasks.
ELA.5.C.5.2: Utilizing effective oral communication skills in various contexts.

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Voices in Motion: Empowering Students with QBall

Calusa Park Elementary 
Ashley Rasmussen 
Students Impacted:
August 15, 2024

0% Funded



Only $199.00 Needed



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I am constantly searching for ways to get students excited to learn and stay engaged. The Qball microphone is a fun, soft, and colorful ball that makes classroom discussions more interactive. It’s wireless and easy to pass around, encouraging students to get involved by tossing it to each other during activities. Despite its playful design, the Qball provides clear audio, ensuring that every student’s voice is heard and boosting overall participation. My goal is to utilize the Qball microphone to enhance student engagement and support specific learning standards. The Qball will be a wonderful addition to our science lab, and will foster a more interactive and inclusive environment. The possibilities are endless in what can be achieved with student confidence, self-esteem, and oral language skills.

The Qball will create an engaging atmosphere that will encourage students to contribute actively during discussions and activities. The Qball aligns with our school’s priority of enhancing student communication skills and increasing engagement across all grade levels.

The Qball supports key standards such as:

ELA.5.C.2.1: Presenting information orally with logical sequence, appropriate volume, clear pronunciation, and pacing.
ELA.5.C.5.1: Arranging multimedia elements to create emphasis in oral tasks.
ELA.5.C.5.2: Utilizing effective oral communication skills in various contexts. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The Qball will be incorporated into science lessons, group discussions, and presentations. Students will use the Qball to share findings, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. This will ensure that all students have an opportunity to participate. The Qball will be a permanent resource in the science lab, becoming an integral part of our curriculum.  


Benefits to my students

I expect a noticeable improvement in student participation and enthusiasm. The Qball’s interactive nature will make classroom activities more dynamic and inclusive. Students will improve their oral presentation skills, including logical sequencing, clear pronunciation, and multimedia integration. 


Budget Narrative

I am requesting $199.00 to acquire a Qball microphone. This amount covers the cost of the microphone. It will be a key resource in enhancing student engagement and communication in our science lab. The investment will support our goal of creating a more interactive and inclusive learning environment 



# Item Cost
1 Qball Pro $199.00
  Total: $199.00

0% Funded



Only $199.00 Needed



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