Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of the Harry Potter club is to foster a love of reading and creativity among 3rd grade students by engaging them in hands-on activities and crafts inspired by the Harry Potter series. Through these activities, students will develop key leadership skills aligned with the Leader in Me program, including teamwork, responsibility, and creative problem-solving.

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The Magic of Leadership: A Harry Potter Club for Young Wizardsđź”®

grant photo
Parkside Elementary 
School-wide program 
Elizabeth Arizmendi 
Students Impacted:
August 16, 2024
September 30, 2024

0% Funded



Only $250.00 Needed



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The goal of the Harry Potter club is to foster a love of reading and creativity among 3rd grade students by engaging them in hands-on activities and crafts inspired by the Harry Potter series. Through these activities, students will develop key leadership skills aligned with the Leader in Me program, including teamwork, responsibility, and creative problem-solving. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

In the Harry Potter Club, 3rd grade students will engage in a variety of activities that combine the magic of the Harry Potter series with the principles of the Leader in Me program. Each session will include group readings and discussions to enhance comprehension and critical thinking, followed by creative hands-on projects such as wand-making, house banner creation, and potion bottle crafting. Students will also participate in leadership challenges inspired by the Triwizard Tournament and a fun, non-contact version of Quidditch, promoting teamwork and problem-solving skills. Special events, like a Sorting Hat ceremony and book-themed celebrations, will further immerse students in the world of Harry Potter while reinforcing leadership habits. The club will encourage reflection and personal growth through journaling, helping students connect the lessons from the stories to their own lives. 


Benefits to my students

The Harry Potter Club will offer numerous benefits to 3rd grade students, fostering both academic and personal growth. By immersing students in the magical world of Harry Potter, the club will cultivate a love of reading and enhance literacy skills through engaging group discussions and activities. The creative projects and themed events will spark imagination and encourage artistic expression, while also providing opportunities for students to work collaboratively and build strong peer relationships. Furthermore, the club's integration of the Leader in Me principles will help students develop essential leadership skills, such as responsibility, teamwork, and problem-solving. Through this unique blend of literature, creativity, and leadership, students will not only gain a deeper understanding of the 7 Habits but also build confidence, empathy, and a sense of community, setting the foundation for success both in and out of the classroom. 


Budget Narrative

To support the successful implementation of the Harry Potter Club as part of the Leader in Me program, a total of $250 is requested to cover the costs of craft materials and books.

Craft Materials - $150

Overview: The club will involve various hands-on activities that encourage creativity and teamwork, such as wand-making, house banner creation, potion bottle crafting, and more. These activities require a variety of craft supplies, including but not limited to construction paper, paint, markers, glue, scissors, fabric, recycled bottles, and other decorative items.
Breakdown: The $150 allocated for craft materials will be used to purchase these items in bulk, ensuring that all students have access to the necessary supplies for each project. This will allow every student to fully participate in the creative process, enhancing their engagement and learning experience.
Books - $100

Overview: To immerse students in the magical world of Harry Potter, the club will provide access to the Harry Potter series, with a focus on the first book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone." Having multiple copies of the book available will facilitate group reading sessions, discussions, and activities based on specific passages.
Breakdown: The $100 allocated for books will be used to purchase several copies of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone" and possibly other books in the series as needed. This will ensure that every student can follow along and participate fully in the club’s reading and literacy activities.
Total Budget: $250

This budget will ensure that the Harry Potter Club is equipped with the essential materials needed to provide a rich and engaging experience for the students, aligning with the goals of both the Leader in Me program and the school’s commitment to fostering creativity, leadership, and a love of reading. 



# Item Cost
1 Books, Craft Supplies, Materials $250.00
  Total: $250.00

0% Funded



Only $250.00 Needed



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