Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Through this grant, at least 30 of our current 5th graders will be able to participate in an after school Drama Club at Osceola Elementary. Students will engage in weekly theater instruction that reinforces classroom curriculum standards and develops social emotional learning skills like self-confidence and teamwork. The program will conclude with a performance of “Annie Kids” for their families and school community.

Our school has never had a Drama Club before. I hope to make it a success this year and continue offering this opportunity to students in future years.

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All the World's a Stage! Drama Club for 5th graders

grant photo
Osceola Elementary 
Mary Wilson 
Students Impacted:
August 17, 2024
March 4, 2025

0% Funded



Only $1,895.00 Needed



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Through this grant, at least 30 of our current 5th graders will be able to participate in an after school Drama Club at Osceola Elementary. Students will engage in weekly theater instruction that reinforces classroom curriculum standards and develops social emotional learning skills like self-confidence and teamwork. The program will conclude with a performance of “Annie Kids” for their families and school community.

Our school has never had a Drama Club before. I hope to make it a success this year and continue offering this opportunity to students in future years. 



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

I will work with the students after school from 3:00-4:00 on Thursdays from mid-September to mid-March. Using “Annie Kids” resources from Music Theatre International, the students will learn acting skills, speaking roles, songs, and choreography.

Lessons will begin with musical theater basics and team building activities. Then the students will receive their character assignments and begin rehearsing the show. By the last club meeting, students will be able to demonstrate their new skills at the final performance.


Benefits to my students

Theater education enhances critical thinking, reading comprehension, creativity, and problem solving skills. Rehearsing and performing a dramatic production also fosters social emotional learning skills such as confidence, self-discipline, and teamwork. Additionally, data has shown that participation in fine arts programming encourages higher attendance and engagement at school, which increases academic success. Most importantly, early exposure to a musical theater program will promote a life-long love of the arts. 


Budget Narrative

To help us get started, we will need funds to purchase a ShowKit, which includes all of the materials plus the license to perform the show we have selected, “Annie Kids”, as many times as we would like within a one year period.

Additional funding will be needed to purchase supplies for costumes, props, and set design. I would also love to create t-shirts for the students to help promote their Drama Club in the community.

Thanks for your consideration!



# Item Cost
1 “Annie Kids” ShowKit and Performance License $545.00
2 $35 costume and prop supply budget per student $1,050.00
3 $10 t-shirt cost per student $300.00
  Total: $1,895.00

0% Funded



Only $1,895.00 Needed



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