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• The goal of the project is to provide a classroom library for my students. I have been a primary teacher for 18 years of my educational career and I currently looped up with my students to 3rd grade and need a new library.

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Classroom Library

West Tampa Elementary School 
English Language Arts 
Olwyn Watson 
Students Impacted:
August 26, 2024

0% Funded



Only $639.85 Needed



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• The goal of the project is to provide a classroom library for my students. I have been a primary teacher for 18 years of my educational career and I currently looped up with my students to 3rd grade and need a new library.  



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

• Creating an Engaging Classroom Library
1. Diverse Book Selection: Include a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, mystery, etc.), levels, and topics to cater to different interests and reading abilities.
2. Comfortable Reading Area: Set up a cozy corner with chairs, cushions, and good lighting to make reading a pleasant experience.
3. Student Involvement: Allow students to help organize the library and recommend books to their peers, giving them a sense of ownership.
Reading-Related Activities
1. Reading Logs (1-2 months of implementation of library):
o Description: Students will maintain a log of the books they read, noting the title, author, and a brief summary or their thoughts on the book.
o Tracking: Students will use simple notebook where students can update their logs regularly (this may be tracked digitally on their Canvas page).
2. Book Reviews (taught month 1 and independently completed beginning month 2):
o Description: After finishing a book, students write a short review and rate it. These reviews can be shared on a classroom bulletin board or a digital platform.
o Tracking: Create a template for reviews that students can fill out and submit.
3. Reading Challenges (Challenges will begin after the first quarter around October 2024):
o Description: Set up monthly or seasonal reading challenges, such as reading a certain number of books or exploring different genres.
o Tracking: Use a chart or a digital tracker where students can mark their progress and earn badges or certificates.
4. Book Clubs (implemented 2nd semester - January 2025):
o Description: Organize small groups where students read the same book and discuss it together. This encourages social interaction and deeper understanding.
o Tracking: Keep a schedule of meetings and a list of discussion points or questions.
5. Reading Buddies (ongoing):
o Description: Pair students with a reading buddy to read together and discuss books. This can be done with peers or older students.
o Tracking: Maintain a log of buddy reading sessions and the books read together.
6. Author Studies (2nd semester January 2025):
o Description: Focus on a particular author each month, reading several of their books and learning about their life and writing style.
o Tracking: Create a display or a digital portfolio where students can add information and reflections about the author.
7. Reading Response Journals (ongoing):
o Description: Students keep a journal where they respond to prompts about the books they are reading, such as their favorite part, a character they relate to, or a prediction about the story.
o Tracking: Provide regular prompts and check-ins to ensure students are keeping up with their journals.
• Encourages Independent Reading: By tracking their own progress, students take ownership of their reading journey.
• Builds a Reading Community: Activities like book clubs and reading buddies foster a sense of community and shared interest in reading.
• Enhances Comprehension and Critical Thinking: Writing reviews, keeping journals, and participating in discussions help students think more deeply about what they read.
• Motivates Through Recognition: Challenges and tracking systems provide tangible goals and rewards, motivating students to read more.
By incorporating these elements, a classroom library can become a vibrant hub of reading activity, helping 3rd graders develop a lifelong love of reading.


Benefits to my students

• Plan to Measure Progress
1. Pre and Post Tests:
o Description: Conduct reading comprehension and vocabulary tests at the beginning and end of the school year.
o Sample: Use a representative sample of students to gauge overall progress.
2. Reading Logs and Check-Out Records:
o Description: Maintain logs of books read by each student and track the frequency of library use.
o Analysis: Compare the number of books read and library visits at different points in the year.
3. Student Surveys and Feedback:
o Description: Collect feedback from students about their reading habits and attitudes towards reading.
o Frequency: Conduct surveys at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.
4. Teacher Observations and Assessments:
o Description: Teachers will observe and record changes in students’ reading behaviors and academic performance.
o Documentation: Use observation checklists and assessment rubrics.


Budget Narrative

Books, composition books (for logs), and incentives equal $639.855 for 25 students is an average cost of $25.30 per student for the project.

There are 73 books in the grant request to create my classroom library.



# Item Cost
1 Newberry Pack Item #157434 $170.99
2 Diary of Roblox Collection Item #229 1 $29.99
3 Dragon Girls pack Item #2991 $14.99
4 The Chocolate Touch 147542 (3) $9.00
5 Who Would Win Collection Item #12441 $59.99
6 Diary of a Minecraft Wolf Item #16Y1 (3) $21.00
7 Roahld Dahl Pack Item #10791 $9.99
8 Bad Guys Collection Item #6Y1 $39.99
9 Dog Man Starter pack Item #20X1 $69.99
10 Cleary Value Pack Item #11M1 $23.99
11 Harry Potter Box Set Item #154670 $100.00
12 Chapter Book Library Item #160628 $40.00
13 60 Pieces Scratch and Sniff Bookmarks $8.99
14 60Pcs I Love to Read Rubber Bracelets $9.99
15 Student Reading Incentives Brag Tag Value Pack: 100 Tags $30.95
  Total: $639.85

0% Funded



Only $639.85 Needed



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