Statewide Reach for Local Impact


We are creating an outdoor classroom to observe lifecycles of butterflies, plants, fruits, vegetables, and birds. Each grade level will have a raised garden bed to plant seeds and watch them grow from seed to table. We will learn about pollinators and birds. We will also be composting and recycling as part of "green team" initiative tied in with our garden and recycling team. Our overall goal is for students to understand where for comes from. They will learn how to plant, harvest, and "cook" /prepare what they have grown. They will understand how the pollinators play a role in how their food is grown. They will also learn about "good" and "bad" bugs and lifecycle of pollinators in their garden. This project is aligned to our science standards in all grades K-5. It is a permanent part of our school and will grow each year.

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Green Paws One (New School-New Project)

grant photo
Boyette Springs Elementary School 
Jennifer Bachtel 
Students Impacted:
August 20, 2024
January 25, 2025

0% Funded



Only $1,517.69 Needed



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We are creating an outdoor classroom to observe lifecycles of butterflies, plants, fruits, vegetables, and birds. Each grade level will have a raised garden bed to plant seeds and watch them grow from seed to table. We will learn about pollinators and birds. We will also be composting and recycling as part of "green team" initiative tied in with our garden and recycling team. Our overall goal is for students to understand where for comes from. They will learn how to plant, harvest, and "cook" /prepare what they have grown. They will understand how the pollinators play a role in how their food is grown. They will also learn about "good" and "bad" bugs and lifecycle of pollinators in their garden. This project is aligned to our science standards in all grades K-5. It is a permanent part of our school and will grow each year.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

This project benefits students by teaching them all aspects of gardening and it's importance. It allows all students Pre-K through 5th grade to be interactive with the garden. It also allows students the chance to "eat/ try " food they normally wouldn't eat because they grew it themselves. We incorporate math in our lessons following recipes. It truly becomes an outdoor STEM classroom.  


Benefits to my students

The Outcomes of our lessons and this project are that we have a school full of students that love gardening and actually start home gardens. Our first year, we anticipate 25% of students will participate school wide with an actual garden bed (although all 850 students will have access to the garden throughout the year). These students will receive pre/post tests given by their teachers on whatever their teachers decide to cover with garden beds/lifecycles. We expect their science vocabulary to increase by 10%. This will be measured by their STAR test in May. They will also understand seed to table. They will understand lifecycles of so many things from animals, plants, fruits, and vegetables which we will measure with pre/post tests. I also run our school Green Team which I run hand and hand with the garden (recycling, composting, energy, tree planting, etc... I will also be reporting data and earning badges with our green team. 


Budget Narrative

These supplies will get us started with initial plants for our butterfly garden, bird seed, and water for our birds to attract and keep them, a hose to water our garden and a trellis for our viney plants to grow. The total cost will be about $1,531.39 to get us started this year. Thank you in advance for helping us. This is for an 8 raised bed garden with a centerpiece not counted in the 8 raised beds. The center bed is strictly for a butterfly plant center that will double the size of one of the eight raised beds that will house the fruit and vegetable gardens. The butterfly will be in the center to keep the pollinators attracted to make sure our crops are always pollinated. The trellis's will also surround the raised beds on the outside to be sure raised beds will again surrounded by more butterfly plants for pollination. We believe we can pull all of this off with what we have on this list. The bird feeders will be throughout to round out our classroom. I know this design works as I have set up two similar gardens in the past successfully.  



# Item Cost
1 Maze 65 gallon Composter qty one $254.97
2 Kingsyard platform bird feeder x5 23.99 $119.95
3 Garden Obelisk Trellis's 16.98 x 10 $169.80
4 Butterfly plants-Kerby's Nursery $600.00
5 Expandable Hose 150 ft w/ Nozzle $59.99
6 Wild Delight Fruit & Berry Bird Seed 48.20 x5 $241.00
7 Bird Bath Backyard Expressions x 2 35.99 $71.98
  Total: $1,517.69

0% Funded



Only $1,517.69 Needed



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