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Leaders ARE readers. The actual quote attributed to President Harry S. Truman is this: "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." The 4th and 5th Grade Teams at Seacrest Country Day School have secured a new literacy program. This program includes novel studies to dive deeply into high-quality literature. The students will explore textual components and engage in shared inquiry discussions as a community of readers. To support the 4th and 5th Grade leader-readers, this grant is purposed to provide students with four (4) hardback copies of novel study books.

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Leaders Are Readers: Novel Study Sets for 4th and 5th Grade Leaders

grant photo
Seacrest Country Day School - Lower School 
Language Arts 
Casey Christenson 
Jeanette Curvin, Angela Burchett 
Students Impacted:
August 22, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,031.75 Needed



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Leaders ARE readers. The actual quote attributed to President Harry S. Truman is this: "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." The 4th and 5th Grade Teams at Seacrest Country Day School have secured a new literacy program. This program includes novel studies to dive deeply into high-quality literature. The students will explore textual components and engage in shared inquiry discussions as a community of readers. To support the 4th and 5th Grade leader-readers, this grant is purposed to provide students with four (4) hardback copies of novel study books. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

The 4th and 5th Grade students will be tasked with setting reading goals and demonstrating responsibility in meeting these goals. The students will engage in shared inquiry discussions geared to actively listen and thoughtfully respond to classmates' thoughts and ideas regarding the text(s) while confidently voicing their own opinions and reactions. Additionally, students will investigate textual components to develop critical and creative thinking skills. 


Benefits to my students

As a community of readers, the 4th and 5th Grade students will engage in novel studies that encourage deep thinking and shared inquiry discussions. The ability to actively listen, think critically, and respond authentically and respectfully to the ideas and opinions of others is an essential leadership skill. The 4th and 5th Grade novel studies provide foundational experiences for leader-readers. 


Budget Narrative

All books will be purchased from Amazon using the school's account. The books will be tax exempt and shipping fees waived. 



# Item Cost
1 25 hardback copies of THE SCIENCE OF BREAKABLE THINGS Tae Keller (25 x $15.30 $382.50
2 25 hardback copies of YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING, JILLY P! by Alex Gino (25 x $10.79) $269.75
3 25 hardback copies of HELLO, UNIVERSE by Erin E. Kelly (25 x $7.49) $187.25
4 25 hardback copies of THE SEASON OF STYX MALONE by Kekla Magoon (25 x $7.69) $192.25
  Total: $1,031.75

0% Funded



Only $1,031.75 Needed



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