Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The goal of the grant is to fund our Intensive Behavior Transition enterprise program that helps with teaching our students about responsibility,teamwork and life skills through real life application.

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Keeping it Golden at Eagle Eats!

grant photo
Naples High 
Special Needs Students 
Nicole Rennie 
Students Impacted:
August 22, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,500.00 Needed



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The goal of the grant is to fund our Intensive Behavior Transition enterprise program that helps with teaching our students about responsibility,teamwork and life skills through real life application.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

My students operate a food program from our classroom that serves our school staff. We shop, take orders, cook and deliver food to school staff members. The students will practice shopping skills at a local grocery store while buying items for our breakfast program and then they will prepare and deliver it to staff. This provides my students with real life experiences that they otherwise would not receive due to some of their limitations.  


Benefits to my students

Our students benefit from the grant because it will assist them in practicing many valuable skills that will help them once they leave my program. The hope is that through this enterprise program they learn the skills necessary that could assist them in employment and help them to be more independent in their everyday lives.  


Budget Narrative

The grant will provide us with the disposable products we use everyday in order to operate our enterprise. It will buy the disposable products such as containers, plastic ware, gloves and hair nets. It will also help us purchase the food we need in order to make our orders. We make various items that are sold to staff. 



# Item Cost
1 Disposable Products (containers,plasticware,gloves) $500.00
2 Food Costs $1,000.00
  Total: $1,500.00

0% Funded



Only $1,500.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners