Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Our math teachers plan and work very hard for our students and during planning, we have identified manipulatives and hands-on activities that would be beneficial for our students. These manipulatives and materials will not only support instruction but most importantly, support student learning.

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Hands-on, Minds-on!

Dorothy C. York Innovation Academy 
Jerry Turner 
Students Impacted:
August 28, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,659.95 Needed



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Our math teachers plan and work very hard for our students and during planning, we have identified manipulatives and hands-on activities that would be beneficial for our students. These manipulatives and materials will not only support instruction but most importantly, support student learning. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Our campus is using district resources, texts, and planning guides, all of which mention the use of specific manipulatives that came with the adoption of the new math series, prior to our school opening. While we are using the resources described above, we are in need of the additional supplies needed to provide a hands-on experience for our students, not only for whole group instruction, but also small group and 1 on 1 support. The list below is for a class set so every student has an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the complex math equations by providing additional ways of learning. These supplies will be incorporated the moment they are received and will be permanently integrated into the daily lessons of all of our 519 middle school students. The district guides and textbooks have specific times to use the manipulatives, and we will use their and the textbook's guidance to properly place the use of these items.  


Benefits to my students

Our campus has a total of five math teachers ranging from ESE support to Geometry and Algebra. These resources will be available to every Math teacher to use in their classroom, as needed. Please know the quantity amount is taking into consideration the situations where two teachers teach the same math course and will need the manipulatives at the same time.

Our campus is fortunate to such hard working and dedicated teachers that have produced a large quantity of students to have a high population of accelerated and high school credit courses. With the additional difficulty of the lessons, a deeper understanding is required and these tools will help with this.

Our expected outcomes will be measured by using the district assessments, quizzes, and daily/weekly exit tickets. This is in addition to the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking PM1, 2 and 3. At the beginning of this year, based off PM1 data, our percentage of students projected to score a 3 or higher on the FAST for all middle schoolers is currently at 11%. Our expectation is to raise this to percentage to 80%, leading to 69% growth between assessments. To put in perspective, last year, our percentage of students expected to earn a level 3 or higher was 15.7% on PM1. At the end of last year, the number of students who earned a 3 or higher was 79% making 64% of our students who scored a 3 or above. The manipulatives requested in this grant will be vital to enhance our student's achievement, develop meaningful comprehension and drive mathematics instruction. 


Budget Narrative -$799.99 - $269.99 x2 - $159.99 x2 



# Item Cost
1 Item: 77516 | Grade: 6- 9 Algeblocks™ Deluxe Classroom Kit $799.99
2 Item: 76027 | Grade: 3- 8 XY Coordinate Pegboard Classroom Kit, Set of 30 $269.99
3 Item: 76027 | Grade: 3- 8 XY Coordinate Pegboard Classroom Kit, Set of 30 $269.99
4 Item: 9388 GeoReflector™ Mirrors Classroom Kit, Set of 32 $159.99
5 Item: 9388 GeoReflector™ Mirrors Classroom Kit, Set of 32 $159.99
  Total: $1,659.95

0% Funded



Only $1,659.95 Needed



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