Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To provide my 4th-grade science classes with an engaging, hands-on learning experience during our Rocks and Erosion science units.

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Diamonds in the Rough

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Mattea Marks 
Students Impacted:
August 24, 2024

0% Funded



Only $209.86 Needed



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To provide my 4th-grade science classes with an engaging, hands-on learning experience during our Rocks and Erosion science units. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be able to observe many different types of rocks and minerals during our Rocks and Minerals unit. They will work to classify these rocks and minerals based on their properties. Then when we go into our Weathering and Erosion unit, we will put their rocks in the rock tumbler and use that as a model for weathering in nature. They will predict what will happen to them and then check to see if their predictions were correct after they come out of the tumbler. After observing them again, each student will get to take a rock home to keep!  


Benefits to my students

My students will use these rocks to enhance their learning about rock and mineral properties as well as the process of weathering. During this unit, we will also read the book, "If You Find A Rock" by Peggy Christian. They will be able to enjoy this piece of literature as well which talks about how many things rocks can be used for. They will also love being able to take their smooth rock home to keep as a memory rock!  


Budget Narrative

1 rock tumbler and enough rocks for each kid in my 3 science classes to take a rock home.  



# Item Cost
1 National Geographic Rock Tumbler $119.99
2 1 lb Labradorite Rough $18.94
3 1 lb Lapis Lazuli Rough $23.94
4 1 lb Blue Apatite $22.99
5 1 lb Crazy Lace Agate $24.00
  Total: $209.86

0% Funded



Only $209.86 Needed



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