Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The primary goal of this grant is to secure funding for a color printer, which will enable the creation of visually engaging materials for students with significant disabilities. By producing resources in color, we aim to enhance the learning experience, improve comprehension, and support the communication needs of these students, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and effective educational environment.

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A Vision of Colorful Visuals in the ESE Classroom

Golden Gate Elementary  
Special Needs Students 
Ashtien Hausin 
Students Impacted:
August 24, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,449.96 Needed



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The primary goal of this grant is to secure funding for a color printer, which will enable the creation of visually engaging materials for students with significant disabilities. By producing resources in color, we aim to enhance the learning experience, improve comprehension, and support the communication needs of these students, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and effective educational environment. 



Electronics - Personal computers/tablets/iPads, headphones, charging cables, computer mice, etc. 


What will be done with my students

My students will have access to enriched materials in color, we aim to significantly enhance their educational experience, improve communication, and positively impact their overall quality of life. The use of color in educational resources is particularly crucial for students with disabilities, as it can make complex information more accessible, increase engagement, and support differentiated learning strategies that cater to their individual needs 


Benefits to my students

1. Enhanced Comprehension:
• Clarity of Information: Color coding can help students distinguish between different types of information, making it easier to understand complex concepts.
• Visual Organization: Using colors to separate or highlight different sections of material can aid in better organization and understanding.
2. Increased Engagement:
• Attention and Focus: Colorful materials can capture and hold students’ attention more effectively than monochromatic materials, helping them stay engaged with the content.
• Motivation: Bright, colorful visuals can make learning more enjoyable, which can be particularly beneficial for students who may struggle with traditional methods of instruction.
3. Improved Memory Retention:
• Visual Memory: Color enhances visual memory, making it easier for students to recall information. This is especially important for students who rely heavily on visual cues for learning.
• Association and Recall: Associating specific colors with particular ideas or concepts can aid in memory retention and recall, which is crucial for students with cognitive disabilities.
4. Better Communication:
• Visual Cues: For students with communication challenges, colored visuals can serve as essential cues for understanding and responding to instructions or information.
• Symbol Recognition: Colors can help differentiate between symbols or pictures, facilitating easier communication through visual aids.
5. Support for Individual Learning Styles:
• Differentiated Instruction: Color can be used to tailor educational materials to meet the diverse learning needs of students, whether they are visual learners, need sensory input, or require additional support to grasp concepts.
• Accessibility: Some students may have specific sensory needs that make them more responsive to colorful and visually stimulating materials.
6. Enhanced Emotional and Social Development:
• Emotional Impact: Colors can evoke different emotions, which can be harnessed to create a calming or stimulating environment conducive to learning.
• Social Interaction: Group activities that incorporate colorful materials can promote interaction and collaboration among students, enhancing their social skills.
7. Practical Applications:
• Real-World Skills: Learning to associate colors with objects, actions, or concepts can help students with disabilities apply these skills in everyday life, improving their independence and quality of life. 


Budget Narrative

These items have been selected in order to create high quality materials and visuals for my students with significant disabilities. The printer, toner, and gift cards will all play a part in enriching education and communication for my students. 



# Item Cost
1 Brother digital color printer $249.98
2 4 pack color toner $199.99
3 Black toner $100.00
4 4 pack color toner $199.99
5 Black toner $100.00
6 Copy paper $200.00
7 Cardstock $200.00
8 Lamination Sheets $200.00
  Total: $1,449.96

0% Funded



Only $1,449.96 Needed



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