Statewide Reach for Local Impact


To have our 4th-grade students author and illustrate poetry books of poems that they have written.

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Poets in the Making

grant photo
Veterans Memorial Elementary 
Language Arts 
Mattea Marks 
Students Impacted:
August 25, 2024

0% Funded



Only $186.00 Needed



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To have our 4th-grade students author and illustrate poetry books of poems that they have written. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will be doing a poetry unit where they each learn about and then write many different styles of poems, including haikus, limericks, odes, color poems, etc. They will then use these blank books to make a book of their poems and make illustrations of those poems. Some of the illustrations will have further arts integration. After their books are complete we will hold a poetry reading for buddy classes of younger students and parents and staff. This will allow students to read a few of their poems that they are extra proud of.  


Benefits to my students

Writing their own poetry on topics they are interested in allows students to engage with poetry on a whole new level. It allows students who are strong writers and those who need extra writing support to all shine in their own way. Students can appreciate other student's poems and they also love putting humor in some of their poems. 


Budget Narrative

This budget includes enough blank books for each child in the 4th grade. Also, they will design a picture for one of their poems on the computer and we will print them in color to glue into their poetry book.  



# Item Cost
1 Colorful blank books (150 pack) $156.00
2 Color printing of student computer artwork $30.00
  Total: $186.00

0% Funded



Only $186.00 Needed



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