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My goal will be to provide my 2nd grade students the opportunity to receive books for completing their weekly reading logs. The books will be used as an incentive for students to read more at home. Currently, I teach 2 ELA classes and 59% of those students are reading at least 1 year to 3 years below level. Only 20% of those students complete weekly reading logs. I would like to be able to give students more books to take home to help increase their love for books, which could help increase their reading levels.

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Books in Hands

Sessums Elementary School 
English Language Arts 
Colleen Gallivan-Goss 
Students Impacted:
August 25, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed



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My goal will be to provide my 2nd grade students the opportunity to receive books for completing their weekly reading logs. The books will be used as an incentive for students to read more at home. Currently, I teach 2 ELA classes and 59% of those students are reading at least 1 year to 3 years below level. Only 20% of those students complete weekly reading logs. I would like to be able to give students more books to take home to help increase their love for books, which could help increase their reading levels. 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Students will benefit from this activity by having more books at home that they can read and continue to read throughout the year. They take pride in ownership of having their own books and love to be able to share with others that they received the book. Students will have weekly reading logs (20 minutes per night) and will receive a ticket for completing their log on Fridays. Currently I have a drawing once a month and choose 5 children to win a free book. I would love to increase the number of children that win and possibly have the drawings biweekly.
With the increase in giving books to children, I believe that it will instill a love to read and will be a positive motivator to help increase our reading levels throughout the year. 


Benefits to my students

My expected outcome will be that more children will be returning their reading logs completed and increase in there will be participation of at least 75% of the students. Thus, if more children are reading at home, the expected outcome will be an increase in their reading levels. Also, these books can help in the household, in case there are other siblings living in the house. 


Budget Narrative

The idea is that I would be able to order books monthly to get leveled and seasonal books for the children. With an average of $2.00-$2.50 per book, this would allow me to order books for each child every month for the school year. 



# Item Cost
1 Scholastic Books (September) $200.00
2 Scholastic Books (October) $100.00
3 Scholastic Books (November) $100.00
4 Scholastic Books (December) $100.00
5 Scholastic Books (January) $100.00
6 Scholastic Books (February) $100.00
7 Scholastic Books (March) $100.00
8 Scholastic Books (April) $100.00
9 Scholastic Books (May) $100.00
  Total: $1,000.00

0% Funded



Only $1,000.00 Needed



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