Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The L.I.F.E. (Learning Independent Functional Employment) program is a transition work study opportunity for students with special needs ages 18-22. The vocational program provides multiple hands-on job training opportunities at Royal Poinciana Golf Club and is offered through Barron Collier High School.
One of the goals of this grant is to teach the interns to consistently wear a watch and learn how to independently tell time and manage their daily schedule by determining when to start in their departments, go to lunch, return to their training area, and then sign out for the day. Wearing a watch is a more professional method of telling time compared to using a cell phone and cell phone use is not permitted at the private club where we train.
The second goal of wearing the fitness tracking watch is to help the interns become more aware of their personal fitness and wellness by instructing them on how to count their steps. One of the employee benefits at Royal Poinciana Golf Club is a cash bonus each month as they make their step and fitness goals for at least 10 days out of the month. We would like to offer a similar benefit for our non-paid interns using our program’s token economy.

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Time to Stay Fit

grant photo
Barron Collier High 
Special Needs Students 
Gina Manville DeJager 
Students Impacted:
August 25, 2024

0% Funded



Only $440.00 Needed



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The L.I.F.E. (Learning Independent Functional Employment) program is a transition work study opportunity for students with special needs ages 18-22. The vocational program provides multiple hands-on job training opportunities at Royal Poinciana Golf Club and is offered through Barron Collier High School.
One of the goals of this grant is to teach the interns to consistently wear a watch and learn how to independently tell time and manage their daily schedule by determining when to start in their departments, go to lunch, return to their training area, and then sign out for the day. Wearing a watch is a more professional method of telling time compared to using a cell phone and cell phone use is not permitted at the private club where we train.
The second goal of wearing the fitness tracking watch is to help the interns become more aware of their personal fitness and wellness by instructing them on how to count their steps. One of the employee benefits at Royal Poinciana Golf Club is a cash bonus each month as they make their step and fitness goals for at least 10 days out of the month. We would like to offer a similar benefit for our non-paid interns using our program’s token economy.



Other -  


What will be done with my students

Interns will demonstrate responsibility by wearing their watches each day. They will tell time to manage their daily schedule and make transitions independently throughout their workday.
Interns can challenge and encourage one another to increase their steps each day, which will help increase their fitness and wellness levels. At the end of each month, interns will calculate the number of steps they took and turn in a fit sheet along with their timesheet with hopes of earning a bonus. Interns already receive a daily LIFE buck based on wearing the proper uniform, practicing good hygiene, completing all job tasks, following directions and job expectations the first time given, and calling in properly if late or absent. By adding the monthly fit sheet, interns would have the opportunity to earn a $5 bonus when they meet their step goal for 10-14 days a month and a $10 bonus if they meet their step goal for 14 or more work days a month. Our non-paid interns exchange their L.I.F.E. bucks twice a year for a gift card to use at our biannual shopping trips.



Benefits to my students

Interns will learn how to tell time and independently manage the transitions in their daily work schedule. Interns will also get fit and increase their daily exercise and wellness levels. Multiple functional math skills will be practiced as they calculate the total number of steps walked each month and submit their fit sheets. 


Budget Narrative

There are currently 11 students in the L.I.F.E. program. The grant would offset the cost of L.I.F.E. buck rewards as interns earn bonuses for making their monthly step goals.




# Item Cost
1 11 interns earn an average of a $5 bonus each month= $55 for 1 month x 8 month (October -May)= $440 bonus bucks $440.00
  Total: $440.00

0% Funded



Only $440.00 Needed



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