Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is to have the 5th grade children at Estates Elementary be afforded the opportunity to learn the ukulele and be able to experience the joy that comes not only with that, but with the incredible opportunity to learn music literacy through playing an instrument in a fun and dynamic way with the Ukulele Karate, EES program!

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Ukulele Karate, EES!

grant photo
Estates Elementary 
Lindsay Igoe 
Students Impacted:
August 25, 2024

0% Funded



Only $1,918.39 Needed



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My goal is to have the 5th grade children at Estates Elementary be afforded the opportunity to learn the ukulele and be able to experience the joy that comes not only with that, but with the incredible opportunity to learn music literacy through playing an instrument in a fun and dynamic way with the Ukulele Karate, EES program! 



Other -  


What will be done with my students

1. Students will each receive a high quality UKULELE to play in their music classroom. It will come with a case and they will learn how to properly tune their ukulele.
2. Over the school year, students will learn how to read ukulele chords (music literacy) with chord names, strumming patterns, etc. as well as the basics of playing the ukulele (proper fingering positions/chord positions, strumming ) through a series of performance tests known as "Ukulele Karate." Students are 100% engaged in this program and absolutely LOVE it!
3. Students will practice at school and get guidance and support from both me and their peers.
4. Students earn "belts" as they pass each test (much like the sport of karate) and we celebrate each student as they make progress throughout the year!  


Benefits to my students

The benefits of music literacy are similar to that of being able to speak another language. This is a great introduction to students on playing an instrument and being able to read music! Students at this age are so excited to play an instrument and the Ukulele Karate program is such a fun, dynamic way for them to learn! Students literally "beg" me to test them for a belt and get so excited for each other, cheering their classmates on, as they are presented with their brightly colored belts at the end of class! Many students continue playing beyond 5th grade and it encourages them to try more difficult instruments and to continue to join a music program when they get to middle school and beyond. 


Budget Narrative

This will purchase a classroom set of 30 ukuleles that can be used with our 5th graders for years to come! It will expand the engagement of music playing in our schools and broaden enrollment in middle and high school while providing an incredible musical experience that our 5th grade students will look forward to doing their last year of elementary school! 



# Item Cost
1 Makala MK-S Soprano Ukulele Classroom Set, Set of 30 Ukuleles $1,918.39
  Total: $1,918.39

0% Funded



Only $1,918.39 Needed



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