Statewide Reach for Local Impact


As the Sea Gate Elementary School Counselor and PBIS Coach, my goal is to promote and recognize individual, classroom, and school-wide positive behavior which will maximize student academic success.The data to support this goal will be a decrease in the number of office discipline referrals, an increase in positive referrals, and an increase in student attendance. My goal is to purchase Spirit Sticks from as well as to enhance our school wide positive behavior incentives.

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Positive Behavior Incentive: We've got spirit!

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Sea Gate Elementary 
Character Education 
Katherine Carney 
Students Impacted:
August 26, 2024

0% Funded



Only $328.60 Needed



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As the Sea Gate Elementary School Counselor and PBIS Coach, my goal is to promote and recognize individual, classroom, and school-wide positive behavior which will maximize student academic success.The data to support this goal will be a decrease in the number of office discipline referrals, an increase in positive referrals, and an increase in student attendance. My goal is to purchase Spirit Sticks from as well as to enhance our school wide positive behavior incentives.  



School-Wide, Grade-Level, Or Class Events/Programs - Parent Nights, Honor Roll Celebrations, EOY Events, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Through our SGE PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Program, individual students are rewarded for following our SGE Expectations: Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful. For the past 3 years, we have invested in "Spirit Sticks" from and to spice up our individual incentives! Oh, what a hit they are! Students save them and look forward to adding to their collection! Spirit Sticks are used to encourage, promote, and celebrate positive behavior. Everyone (teachers and students included) has a cable ring attached to their lanyards. Every Spirit Stick that students collect is placed on their ring so that their collection is together, visible, and worn with seahorse pride. From kindness to Students of the Month to reading to encouraging words and positive affirmations...there is a Spirit Stick for everything! Examples of phrases on Spirit Sticks include: "Teamwork," "Awesome Listener," "Very Polite," "Focused Student," "Hard Worker," and "Kind Friend" to name a few. We are so excited to continue this incentive for year 3, but need a little assistance with getting our teachers (school wide) to have more sticks on their lanyards to reward and recognize students more frequently. Currently, students can earn Spirit Sticks by earning a "Super Seahorse" card when they are caught following our expectations or going above and beyond. Those cards are placed in grade level bins for our "Super Seahorse Friday" drawings. Students get a Spirit Stick if their name is called live on the school news. We would love to stock up our teachers, administration, lunch assistants, leadership team, and support staff with Spirit Sticks to reward our students because amazing behavior, acts of kindness, and outstanding academic achievements can happen at anytime right before our eyes. When students demonstrate a behavior that a staff member feels is exemplary, a Spirit Stick rewarded to that student. Our teachers and staff members love to reward our students with Spirit Sticks! 


Benefits to my students

We have already seen some of the many benefits of our PBIS program. Students will continue to want to come to school each day, have a sense of community and belonging, and feel proud of themselves as they follow our SGE expectations and beyond. Our incentive program is easy to implement and use and most importantly provides immediate feedback to our students. Students will feel validated, important, and valued. This sends the message to students that they are seen and their choices and efforts are acknowledged. Students can feel proud of themselves when they look at their collection of Spirit Sticks and have an increase in feelings of self-confidence. Spirit Sticks with positive affirmations remind students that they are loved, important, and belong here at Sea Gate Elementary. Spirit Sticks can also encourage students to continue those desired behaviors and choices and influence other students' behaviors positively. Students are motivated to continue to make great choices not only to earn another Spirit Stick, but also because they know it's the right thing to do.
Thank you for your consideration.  


Budget Narrative

1. I'm a Smartie $0.6 each pack of 50
2. Jawsome $0.6each pack of 50
3. Lego Block $0.6each pack of 50
4. Current Mood $0.6each pack of 50
5. I'm a Helper $0.6each pack of 50
6. I'm a Leader $0.6each pack of 50
7.Terrific Kid $0.6each pack of 50
8. Encouraging Crayons $35 x2 100 (2 packs of 50)
9. Great Job $0.6each pack of 50

Sales Tax 0.06% = $18.60
Thank you for your consideration.
Katherine Carney 



# Item Cost
1 "I'm a Smartie" $30.00
2 "Jawsome" $30.00
3 "I'm a Helper" $30.00
4 "I'm a Leader" $30.00
5 "Terrific Kid" $30.00
6 Encouraging Crayon Variety Pack (2 packs at $35 each) $70.00
7 "Learn Something New" $30.00
8 Lego Block Design $30.00
9 Current Mood -Happy Emojis $30.00
10 6% Sales tax $18.60
  Total: $328.60

0% Funded



Only $328.60 Needed



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