Statewide Reach for Local Impact


I am requesting funding for a class set of the novel "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis. This engaging story not only captivates students' imaginations but also serves as a powerful tool for fostering literacy, empathy, and critical thinking in our classroom.

Project Goals:

Enhance Literacy Skills: The novel will improve students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency while utlizing the literary benchmarks and B.E.S.T. standards.

Promote Empathy and Understanding: Students will explore themes of family, resilience, and the historical context of the Great Depression, helping them develop a deeper understanding of diverse experiences.

Encourage Critical Thinking: Through discussions and assignments related to the book, students will learn to analyze plot development, character interactions, themes, and the author's purpose.

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From Pages to Perspectives: Empowering Readers

grant photo
Oakridge Middle 
Language Arts 
Mishelle Levine (Poulos) 
Students Impacted:
August 26, 2024

0% Funded



Only $339.90 Needed



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I am requesting funding for a class set of the novel "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis. This engaging story not only captivates students' imaginations but also serves as a powerful tool for fostering literacy, empathy, and critical thinking in our classroom.

Project Goals:

Enhance Literacy Skills: The novel will improve students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency while utlizing the literary benchmarks and B.E.S.T. standards.

Promote Empathy and Understanding: Students will explore themes of family, resilience, and the historical context of the Great Depression, helping them develop a deeper understanding of diverse experiences.

Encourage Critical Thinking: Through discussions and assignments related to the book, students will learn to analyze plot development, character interactions, themes, and the author's purpose. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will read and analyze this classic novel with a focus on the B.E.S.T. standards, such as plot development, chcracter interactions, theme development, point of view, conflict, etc. Students will learn to be avid note-takers and learn to take annotations as they read on sticky notes. Students will learn to have collaboritve and open conversations. At the end of the novel, students will show their understanding by completeing a choice menu.  


Benefits to my students

Key Benefits of Reading "Bud, Not Buddy"

~Literacy Development

Enhanced Reading Skills: Engaging with the text will improve students' reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary.

Critical Thinking: Analyzing the plot, characters, and themes encourages deeper cognitive engagement with the material.

~Cultural Awareness and Empathy

Historical Context: The novel provides insights into the experiences of African Americans during the Great Depression, fostering understanding of historical and cultural issues.

Empathy Building: Students will connect with Bud's challenges and triumphs, promoting empathy and compassion for others’ experiences.

~Social-Emotional Learning

Resilience and Perseverance: Bud's journey teaches important lessons about overcoming adversity and the importance of hope and determination.

Friendship and Community: Themes of friendship and community support highlight the value of relationships and belonging.

~Engagement and Motivation

Relatable Characters: Bud is a relatable protagonist, making it easier for students to engage with the story and see themselves in the narrative.
Adventurous Plot: The engaging storyline captures students' attention, encouraging a love for reading.
Collaborative Learning Opportunities

Discussion and Debate: Reading the novel together fosters meaningful discussions, encouraging students to express their opinions and listen to others.
Group Activities: Collaborative projects related to the book promote teamwork and communication skills.
Integration into Curriculum

Cross-Disciplinary Connections: The book can be tied into social studies, history, and language arts, enriching the overall curriculum and making learning more cohesive.
Creative Expression: Students can engage in creative projects (e.g., art, writing) related to the themes and characters of the novel, allowing for personal expression. 


Budget Narrative

The budget includes a class set of 30 hardcover novels, including tax. The novels will be purchased on Amazon Prime so there will be no shipping and handling. 



# Item Cost
1 Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis x30 @$10.69ea. $320.70
2 Est. Tax $19.20
  Total: $339.90

0% Funded



Only $339.90 Needed



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