Statewide Reach for Local Impact


My goal is for our students in the intermediate behavior support class to utilize a “reset” spot outside our classroom as a safe place to go to take a break. Mindful breaks allow students to take a much-needed break from stress and anxiety in the classroom. The outdoor area will allow students to focus on thoughts and feelings to calm down. Mindfulness breaks can help improve your concentration, creativity, and stress management skills; and become a good habit when practiced. The funding of this grant will provide a metal picnic table to be installed outside our classroom.

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One With Nature*

Town & Country Elementary School 
Character Development 
Annmarie Daley 
Students Impacted:
August 26, 2024

0% Funded



Only $955.88 Needed



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My goal is for our students in the intermediate behavior support class to utilize a “reset” spot outside our classroom as a safe place to go to take a break. Mindful breaks allow students to take a much-needed break from stress and anxiety in the classroom. The outdoor area will allow students to focus on thoughts and feelings to calm down. Mindfulness breaks can help improve your concentration, creativity, and stress management skills; and become a good habit when practiced. The funding of this grant will provide a metal picnic table to be installed outside our classroom.  



Class Furniture - Carpets, choral risers, transitional seating/desks, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students in a behavior support classroom have emotional disabilities and struggles that make it difficult to be successful in a general education setting. The students all have an individualized education plan (IEP) with individual annual goals to provide support. The goal is for the students to be able to achieve their IEP goals and return to the general education classroom setting. Outdoor classrooms have been proven to reduce stress, increase happiness, increase engagement, enhance learning and increase participation. The procedures for a student to request an outdoor break will be practiced often (and modeled) at the beginning to introduce the idea of showing the students how requesting a break when frustrated is a great option. The students will have input on procedures and rules of use. Students currently track their behavior daily using a point system. The purpose of the project is to decrease the number of disruptions and loss of learning for our students and increase the percentage of daily points earned. The improvement can be tracked by using our daily graphs to show improvement. The outcome will align with each individual student’s IEP goals. The students will track their points each week. BONUS: The area outside our classroom is the school community garden (which is a calming spot as well). The picnic table could be used by students during their garden lessons. This grant will provide our students with a valuable learning experience. 


Benefits to my students

If funded, our class would be able to purchase a metal picnic table to have a reset spot to go to take a break when frustrated. The students will learn the positive benefits of taking a break by practicing how to ask for a break and how to understand when a break is needed. The students will increase their daily behavior points by 15% over a nine-week grading period by charting and graphing their daily points. 


Budget Narrative 



# Item Cost
1 Blue Metal Picnic Table $955.88
2 Delivery (currently free) $0.00
  Total: $955.88

0% Funded



Only $955.88 Needed



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