Statewide Reach for Local Impact


The art of silk screen printing dates back thousands of years and involves the transfer of an image from a 'stencil' to another material. It allows the image to be transferred over and over again, but often requires expensive materials and a set up of specialized equipment.

The process we will be using if this grant is funded is simple, was taught to all K-12 art teachers in August, and will provide a beginning silk screen lesson for students at all levels using materials found locally and inexpensively.

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Silk Screen in the Round

grant photo
Administrative Center - Collier County Public Schools 
Leslie Loughran 
ALL K-12 Art Teachers 
Students Impacted:
August 26, 2024

0% Funded



Only $230.00 Needed



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The art of silk screen printing dates back thousands of years and involves the transfer of an image from a 'stencil' to another material. It allows the image to be transferred over and over again, but often requires expensive materials and a set up of specialized equipment.

The process we will be using if this grant is funded is simple, was taught to all K-12 art teachers in August, and will provide a beginning silk screen lesson for students at all levels using materials found locally and inexpensively.  



Other -  


What will be done with my students

This grant is requesting the purchase of 200* 6" bamboo hoops, which will serve as the FRAME for the students' screen printing image. The district will keep these in a bin and loan them out to schools, rotating them around the district as requested.
Classroom teachers will purchase silk screen printing mesh, printing ink or acrylic paint--both work well, and Mod Podge.
Students will be asked to create a simple line drawing on a 6 x 6 circle of paper. They will then stretch the screen printing mesh across their bamboo frame, place the paper behind it, and trace their design onto the mesh, outlining each line twice. Using Mod Podge, students will paint around their drawing, filling in the negative space inside and outside of the drawing and leaving the lines unpainted.
When this is dry, students will apply a small amount of ink or paint onto the frame, scrape it smooth with a plastic card, lay it down on a t-shirt, bandana, or other piece of fabric, and scrape it again, leaving their silk screened design behind.
Students may make as many prints as they'd like from that one image, then will wash the screen, remove it from the bamboo hoop frame, and the frames may be sent to another school to be used.
*200 is enough for each student in an entire grade level at an elementary school to participate, or for a full roster of middle or high school art students. We can also divide the hoops up and send them in smaller batches to multiple schools if a teacher is only doing the project with a certain section or group of students. 


Benefits to my students

As mentioned before, silk screening can be an expensive process requiring specialized equipment. This method is much easier and more affordable. Students will still have the full silk screening experience. There is also a strong element of graphic design to this project, as students will have to pay attention to their line quality, and the forms and shapes they use to create their drawings or designs.  


Budget Narrative

The bamboo hoops will serve as a frame for a small screen printing project. The screen can be removed from the hoop once the students are finished, and the hoops can be shared among different schools and classes.
The teacher will be responsible for purchasing the rest of the materials for this project from their budget, the consumables: screen, ink/paint, mod podge.



# Item Cost
1 5 sets of 40, 6" bamboo hoops $230.00
  Total: $230.00

0% Funded



Only $230.00 Needed



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