Statewide Reach for Local Impact


I'm applying for a grant to secure additional math resources for my middle school math students. I'm looking to add two curriculum bundles from Beyond the Worksheets: Middle School Math Stations and Pre-Algebra Curriculum. With these new resources, we'll be able to accommodate students with varying needs by providing a multitude of engaging activities at various learning levels.

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Math Resources for Middle School

grant photo
Maniscalco Elementary School 
Corey Rosado 
Students Impacted:
August 27, 2024

0% Funded



Only $300.00 Needed



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I'm applying for a grant to secure additional math resources for my middle school math students. I'm looking to add two curriculum bundles from Beyond the Worksheets: Middle School Math Stations and Pre-Algebra Curriculum. With these new resources, we'll be able to accommodate students with varying needs by providing a multitude of engaging activities at various learning levels. 



Learning Aids - Sunshine state book sets, robotics kits, puzzle boards, science models, engineering supplies, etc. 


What will be done with my students

With these bundles, I would be able to provide plenty of enrichment and intervention activities for students of all levels. These activities are engaging for students while meeting our state standards. With these bundles, we can provide assistance to all or our math students in grades 6-8. We can utilize these in small groups, lunch and learns, and within the regular classroom.  


Benefits to my students

With your support, these activity bundles will be used for all of our math students in grades 6-8. When we're able to target students' specific needs and address those with additional resources, we're able to see growth throughout the school year. By providing additional resources for all grade levels, we can expect to see students excel through their year-long progress monitoring.

Growth will be measured through three points of data collection. FAST Math PM1 in the fall, PM2 in the winter and PM3 in May. 90% of students in grades 6-8 will show an increase in their FAST Math scale score from PM1 in August to PM3 in May.  


Budget Narrative

The $300 covers two year-long curriculum bundles to be used across three grade levels.  



# Item Cost
1 Pre-Algebra Curriculum bundle- yea: $180.00
2 Middle School Stations Bundle- multiple activities for in class stations covering grades 6-8: $120.00
  Total: $300.00

0% Funded



Only $300.00 Needed



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