Statewide Reach for Local Impact


Several goals are associated with our grant request. One of our goals is to promote student engagement in our school and school activities by funding our student Ambassador Program. Our program involves roughly 100 students. These students have volunteered their time to promote our school to other new students and family members. One of our goals is to have students learn to be leaders in our school by promoting programs which are open to all of our students. New students in the community as well as our rising 6th grade students will feel a sense of security and belonging to our school through contact with our Ambassadors.
One of our goals is to have the Ambassadors grow in grade level competencies and standards by taking on leadership positions which they might not have been exposed to in the past. School wide goals will be achieved through these students as they become leaders, engaged student promoters of Character Traits as well as becoming an intricate part of our Cypress Palm Middle School Community.

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Student Ambassador T-shirts

grant photo
Cypress Palm Middle 
Character Education 
Bonnie Pinkerton 
Brandy Brezina 
Students Impacted:
August 27, 2024

0% Funded



Only $850.00 Needed



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Several goals are associated with our grant request. One of our goals is to promote student engagement in our school and school activities by funding our student Ambassador Program. Our program involves roughly 100 students. These students have volunteered their time to promote our school to other new students and family members. One of our goals is to have students learn to be leaders in our school by promoting programs which are open to all of our students. New students in the community as well as our rising 6th grade students will feel a sense of security and belonging to our school through contact with our Ambassadors.
One of our goals is to have the Ambassadors grow in grade level competencies and standards by taking on leadership positions which they might not have been exposed to in the past. School wide goals will be achieved through these students as they become leaders, engaged student promoters of Character Traits as well as becoming an intricate part of our Cypress Palm Middle School Community. 



Clothing/Backpacks - T-shirts/jerseys, concert performance shirts, backpacks, duffle bags, etc. 


What will be done with my students

Students will have leadership roles in CPMS events such as being student guides in our annual curriculum night. Students will give tours to new students and families throughout the year, answer questions and explain school options such as Pride cards, after school programs, sports, drama club, debate team, scholar bowl, student council, news crew and many more opportunities.
Students will give designated tours to our new 6th grade students as well as students who have language barriers and special needs. Tutoring before school could be an option. Several times a month, students will present our Character traits of Responsibility, Acceptance, Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Citizenship, Kindness, Perseverance, Honesty and Hopefulness on ITV. Students will role-play ways their classmates can learn and practice these traits so that our whole CPMS community will enjoy a successful, quality, enriching year at CPMS 


Benefits to my students

Students will feel comfortable asking questions and receive help at school from Ambassador students because the Ambassadors will have the Ambassador shirt on and stand out as leaders who can be counted on to have informed answers. Ambassadors will be able to gather as a group and discuss school topics that need to be addressed due to feelings of cohesiveness that the t-shirts will emphasize. Students will have a sense of pride due to belonging to a group that can be considered as responsible leaders who promote CPMS in a positive, inclusive way. 


Budget Narrative

$850.00 will provide Ambassador t-shirts for 100 Ambassadors in our school at $8.50 per t-shirt. Many of our Ambassadors are on our free and reduced student lunch program and would not be able to afford their t-shirt without this grant.
Thank you very much for considering our grant proposal.
Ms. Bonnie F. Pinkerton
Guidance Counselor
Cypress Palm Middle School 



# Item Cost
1 100 "Ambassador" t-shirts $850.00
  Total: $850.00

0% Funded



Only $850.00 Needed



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Special Thanks to Our Presenting Partners